Stefano Pampanin


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Seismic performance of full-scale post-tensioned timber beam-column connections JOURNAL OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING 2016
Experimental performance and structural analysis of plywood-coupled LVL walls JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING 2016
NMIT Arts & Media Building. Innovative structural design of a three storey post-tensioned timber building CASE STUDIES IN STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING 2016
Quasi-Static Cyclic Testing of Two-Thirds Scale Unbonded Posttensioned Rocking Dissipative Timber Walls JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING 2016
Seismic performance of non-structural components and contents in buildings: an overview of NZ research EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING VIBRATION 2016
Development and testing of an alternative dissipative posttensioned rocking timber wall with boundary columns JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING 2016
Seismic design of yielding structures on flexible foundations EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING & STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS 2015
Towards the “ultimate earthquake-proof” building: Development of an integrated low-damage system Perspectives on European Earthquake Engineering and Seismology. Geotechnical, Geological and Earthquake Engineering 2015
Performance and design of LVL walls coupled with UFP dissipaters JOURNAL OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING 2015
Design of base-isolated buildings. An overview of international codes BULLETIN OF THE NEW ZEALAND SOCIETY FOR EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING 2015
Smart semi-active MR damper to control the structural response BULLETIN OF THE NEW ZEALAND SOCIETY FOR EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING 2015
New Zealand contributions to the global earthquake model’s earthquake consequences database (GEMECD) BULLETIN OF THE NEW ZEALAND SOCIETY FOR EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING 2015

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