Maria Bonito


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
The genomic echoes of the last Green Sahara on the Fulani and Sahelian people CURRENT BIOLOGY 2023
Disclosing complex mutational dynamics at a Y chromosome palindrome evolving through intra- and inter-chromosomal gene conversion HUMAN MOLECULAR GENETICS 2022
Sequence Read Depth Analysis of a Monophyletic Cluster of Y Chromosomes Characterized by Structural Rearrangements in the AZFc Region Resulting in DYS448 Deletion and DYF387S1 Duplication FRONTIERS IN GENETICS 2021
Identification and molecular characterisation of an unusually short allele at the SE33 (ACTBP2) locus resulting in a putative tri-allelic pattern at a flanking marker FORENSIC SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL. GENETICS 2021
New insights into the evolution of human Y chromosome palindromes through mutation and gene conversion HUMAN MOLECULAR GENETICS 2021
Ethnic fragmentation and degree of urbanization strongly affect the discrimination power of Y-STR haplotypes in central Sahel FORENSIC SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL: GENETICS 2020
Y haplogroup diversity of the Dominican Republic. Reconstructing the effect of the European colonization and the trans-Atlantic slave trades GENOME BIOLOGY AND EVOLUTION 2020
Rapidly mutating Y-STRs in rapidly expanding populations: Discrimination power of the Yfiler Plus multiplex in northern Africa FORENSIC SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL: GENETICS 2019
Identification and molecular characterisation of an AMEL-X null allele due to an Alu insertion FORENSIC SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL: GENETICS 2019
The peopling of the last green Sahara revealed by high-coverage resequencing of trans-Saharan patrilineages GENOME BIOLOGY 2018
Genetic diversity at three palindromic sequences of the human Y chromosome 11th Haploid Markers Conference InferrIng Ancestry from DnA 2018
Rapidly mutating Y-STRs in rapidly expanding populations: discrimination power of the Yfiler Plus multiplex in northern Africa. 2018
Holocene human migrations in Africa: a male perspective Congresso AGI 2017 – Celebrating 60 years of the Italian Association of Genetics 2017
Human Y chromosome diversity and the peopling of the “Green Sahara” during the Holocene humid phase Program and Abstracts of the XIV FISV CONGRESS 2016

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