Lucia Longo


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Laryngeal features in Lipoid proteinosis: a systematic review and meta‑analysis of individual participant data EUROPEAN ARCHIVES OF OTO-RHINO-LARYNGOLOGY 2024
Looking for an objective parameter to identify early vocal dysfunctions in healthy prceived singers INDIAN JOURNAL OF OTOLARYNGOLOGY AND HEAD AND NECK SURGERY 2023
Acoustic analysis in stuttering: a machine-learning study FRONTIERS IN NEUROLOGY 2023
Reinke’s edema: new insights into voice analysis, a retrospective study JOURNAL OF VOICE 2023
Utilizzo del DSI come parametro obiettivo della qualità vocale dopo trattamento fonochirurgico delle lesioni benigne delle corde vocali ABSTRACT BOOK SIO 2023 2023
Infezione da Sars-Cov2 e disfagia nei pazienti ospedalizzati: nostra esperienza Abstract book SIFEL 2023 2023
tinnitus and organ preservation protocols in head and neck cancers treatment: a descriptive review of the literature OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY 2023
Accuracy of dysphagia standard assessment (DSA®) bedside screening test: a flowchart for patient eligibility NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES 2022
Comparazione tra parametri vocali e grading endoscopico in pazienti affetti da edema di Reinke: valutazione multidimensionale Congresso SIO 2022 2022
Unilateral vocal fold paralysis post-thyroidectomy: does early intervention allow for better voice recovery? EUROPEAN REVIEW FOR MEDICAL AND PHARMACOLOGICAL SCIENCES 2021
The Bedside Clinical Examination as a key element of the swallowing assessment during the COVID 19 Pandemic EUROPEAN ANNALS OF OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY, HEAD AND NECK DISEASES 2021
Progressione della disfagia orofaringea nella sclerosi laterale amiotrofica: studio retrospettivo longitudinale. abstract SIOeChF 2021 2021
Progression of oropharyngeal dysphagia in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a retrospective cohort study DYSPHAGIA 2021
Progressione della disfagia orofaringea nella sclerosi laterale amiotrofica: studio retrospettivo longitudinale Congresso SIAF 2021 2021
Correlation between hearing aid use and cognitive impairment in the elderly Advances in Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healthcare and Medical Devices 2020
Effectiveness in prosthetic adaptation and users’ satisfaction: comparison between different technologies Advances in Social and Occupational Ergonomics 2020
Ergonomics and acoustics in music education Proceedings of the 20th congress of the international ergonomics association (IEA 2018) Volume X: auditory and vocal ergonomics, visual ergonomics, psychophysiology in ergonomics, ergonomics in advanced imaging 2019
Phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C in normal human liver and in alcohol abuse JOURNAL OF CELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRY 2019
Sapienza global bedside evaluation of swallowing after stroke the globe-3s study EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY 2019
Sperimentazione preliminare di un test di screening a consistenze multiple per la valutazione della disfagia orofaringea Volume abstract SIO 2019 2019

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