Francesca Comunello


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Exploring networked interactions through the lens of location-based dating services. The case of italian grinds users LGBTQs, Media and Culture in Europe 2017
My grandpa and I "Gotta catch €'˜em all." A research design on intergenerational gaming focusing on Pokémon Go Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2017
Older people and smartwatches, initial experiences EL PROFESIONAL DE LA INFORMACIÓN 2017
Italy Online around the world. A geographic encyclopedia of the internet, social media, and mobile apps 2017
The ‘Proper’ Way to Spread Ideas through Social Media: Exploring the Affordances and Constraints of Different Social Media Platforms as Perceived by Italian Activists SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW 2016
Giovani e videogame Giovani e media. Temi, prospettive, strumenti 2016
Tweeting after an earthquake: user localization and communication patterns during the 2012 Emilia seismic sequence ANNALS OF GEOPHYSICS 2016
Michele Mezza, Giornalismi nella rete. Per non essere sudditi di Facebook e Google. PROBLEMI DELL'INFORMAZIONE 2016
User-Generated Video Gaming. Little big planet and participatory cultures in Italy GAMES AND CULTURE 2015
Tra "donne panda" e mainstreaming di internet. Un'analisi esplorativa sulle giornaliste italiane (anche) online PROBLEMI DELL'INFORMAZIONE 2015
Older people's attitude towards mobile communication in everyday life. Digital literacy and domestication processes 2015
User generated gaming: pratiche partecipative e cultura convergente nel web 2.0. Il caso Little Big Planet Gli effetti sociali del web. Forme della comunicazione e metodologie della ricerca online 2015


  • SH3
  • SH3_12
  • SH3_13

Interessi di ricerca

Francesca Comunello (PhD) is an Associate Professor in the Department of Communication and Social Research, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.

Her research and publications focus on the intersections between digital technology and society, including digitally mediated social relations, ageing and digital communication, gender and digital platforms, civic engagement, digital media and disaster communication. 

Her work has been published in Journals like New Media and Society, Information Communication and Society, Media Culture and Society, The Sociological Review, The Communication Review, Ageing and Society, American Behavioral Scientist, and Violence Against Women, among others.


social media
network society
gender and ICT
Disaster communication
dating apps
mobile communication

Gruppi di ricerca

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