Titolo |
Pubblicato in |
Anno |
Fostering the Renovation of the Existing Building Stock. Operational Models and Evaluation Tools |
New Metropolitan Perspectives Post COVID Dynamics: Green and Digital Transition, between Metropolitan and Return to Villages Perspectives |
2022 |
Land Management in Territorial Planning: Analysis, Appraisal, Strategies for Sustainability—A Review of Studies and Research |
2022 |
A Model for Determining a Discount Rate in Market Value Assessment of Buildable Areas Subject to Restrictions |
Appraisal and Evaluation. Contemporary Issues and New Frontiers |
2021 |
The Assessment of Density Bonus in Building Renovation Interventions. The Case of the City of Florence in Italy |
2021 |
A Methodological Approach for the Assessment of Potentially Buildable Land for Tax Purposes: The Italian Case Study |
2020 |
The Assessment of Public Buildings with Special Architectural Features Using the Cost Approach |
Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2020 20th International Conference |
2020 |
Integrated multi-criteria assessments in support of the verifying the feasibility of recovering archaeological sites: The case of portus-ostia antica |
Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies |
2020 |
Applying the depreciated replacement cost method when assessing the market value of public property lacking comparables and income data |
2020 |
A methodology for determining the profitability index of real estate initiatives involving public-private partnerships. A case study: The integrated intervention programs in Rome |
2019 |
Valutazioni per la fattibilità del progetto Portus-Ostia Antica. In Rossi P.O., Carpenzano O, (a cura di), Roma tra il fiume, il bosco e il mare |
Roma tra il fiume il bosco e il mare |
2019 |
A procedure for determining the industrial profitability of settlement interventions in the appraisal of exceptional contribution of urbanisation |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) |
2018 |
La parametrazione delle quantità fisiche nella definizione dei costi parametrici Il Decreto 50/2016 sulla progettazione delle opere pubbliche |
2017 |
The appraisal of buildable land for property taxation in the adopted general municipal plan |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) |
2016 |
The extraordinary contribution in General Regulatory Plan of Rome |
Recent Advances on Energy, Environment, Ecosystems, and Development |
2015 |
Appraisal of the extraordinary contribution in General Regulatory Plan of Rome |
2015 |
Valore estetico e valore economico. Terragni e l'architettura negli anni trenta e quaranta |
Giuseppe Terragni a Roma |
2015 |