Corrado De Vito


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Keeping university open did not increase the risk of SARS-CoV-2 acquisition: A test negative case-control study among students PLOS ONE 2024
Burden of delayed discharge on acute hospital medical wards. A retrospective ecological study in Rome, Italy PLOS ONE 2024
Decline in academic performance and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic. A cross-sectional survey among Sapienza University of Rome students FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH 2024
Fighting HAIs by monitoring hand hygiene compliance in the Umberto I teaching Hospital in Rome EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2024
The other side of COVID-19. A cross-sectional study on mental health in a sample of Italian nurses during the second wave FRONTIERS IN PSYCHIATRY 2023
Attitudes of university students towards mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policies. A cross-sectional survey in Rome, Italy VACCINES 2023
The “Lazio advice” telemedicine platform. First results of general practitioners’ usage, facilitators and barriers in the local health authority Roma 1 DIGITAL HEALTH 2023
Can New Ultrasound Imaging Techniques Improve Breast Lesion Characterization? Prospective Comparison between Ultrasound BI-RADS and Semi-Automatic Software “SmartBreast”, Strain Elastography, and Shear Wave Elastography APPLIED SCIENCES 2023
A predictive decision support system for coronavirus disease 2019 response management and medical logistic planning DIGITAL HEALTH 2023
Developing a questionnaire evaluating knowledge, attitudes and behaviors on audit & feedback among general practitioners. A mixed methods study HEALTHCARE 2023
Patello-femoral pain syndrome. Magnetic resonance imaging versus ultrasound DIAGNOSTICS 2023
Genomica in Sanità Pubblica. Evidenze scientifiche e prospettive di integrazione nella pratica della prevenzione JOURNAL OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE AND HYGIENE 2023
Appropriateness of frequent use of emergency departments: A retrospective analysis in Rome, Italy FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH 2023
Who chooses alternative sources of information about childhood vaccinations? A cross-sectional study FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH 2023
Executive functions in preschool and school-age cochlear implant users: do they differ from their hearing peers? A systematic review and meta-analysis EUROPEAN ARCHIVES OF OTO-RHINO-LARYNGOLOGY AND HEAD & NECK 2023
The Sapienza University of Rome network of automated external defibrillators: a prototype webMap developed to speed access to community defibrillators and increase survival from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest EUROPEAN REVIEW FOR MEDICAL AND PHARMACOLOGICAL SCIENCES 2023
Upgrading of a Dynamic Space-Time Diffusion Simulator in a GIS Environment developed to analyse the COVID-19 spread in Rome. A replicable exemplification BOLLETTINO DELL'ASSOCIAZIONE ITALIANA DI CARTOGRAFIA 2023
State of the art on family and community health nursing international theories, models and frameworks. A scoping review HEALTHCARE 2023
Reduced Reliability of Procalcitonin (PCT) as a Biomarker of Bacterial Superinfection: Concerns about PCT-Driven Antibiotic Stewardship in Critically Ill COVID-19 Patients—Results from a Retrospective Observational Study in Intensive Care Units JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 2023


  • LS7_9


  • Life-science technologies & biotechnologies

Interessi di ricerca

Public Health Genomics; Health Technology Assessment; epidemiology and prevention of infectious diseases; epidemiology of NTDs; evaluation of diagnostic tests; use of GIS for Public Health


Risk factors in epidemiology
evidence-based public health (EBPH)

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma