Marta D'Andrea


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
The connections between the Northern and Southern Levant during Early Bronze Age III. Re-evaluations and new vistas in the light of new data and higher chronologies New horizons in the study of the Early Bronze III and Early Bronze IV in the Levant 2020
Deeper understandings. A trench through the Bronze Age deposits at Khirbat Hamra Ifdan New horizons in the study of the Early Bronze III and Early Bronze IV in the Levant 2020
Ebla and the South. Reconsidering inter-regional connections during Early Bronze IV From the Prehistory of Upper Mesopotamia to the Bronze and Iron Age societies of the Levant. Volume 1. Proceedings of the 5th “Broadening Horizons” Conference (Udine 5-8 June 2017) 2020
The Madaba Regional Archaeological Museum Project (MRAMP): A Strategy to Protect Cultural Heritage in Jordan Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East Volume 1 2020
Genomic history of Neolithic to Bronze Age Anatolia, Northern Levant, and Southern Caucasus CELL 2020
The religious complexes of Megiddo and Khirbet ez-Zeraqon and the Early Bronze Age interregional connectivity STUDIA EBLAITICA 2020
Again on the “Grey Wares”,Ebla, the Steppe, and the South during Early Bronze IV STUDIA EBLAITICA 2020
Review of Öhnan Tunca and Abd el-Massih Baghdo (eds) with the collaboration of Sophie Léon, Chagar Bazar (Syrie) IV. Les tombes ordinaires de l’âge du Bronze ancien et moyen des chantiers D–F–H–I (1999–2011): Étude archéologique. Publications de la Mission Archéologique de l’Université de Liège en Syrie. Peeters, Louvain – Paris – Bristol, CT, 2018 (pp. XVIII–286 + 220 pls). ISBN: 9789042936331. STUDIA EBLAITICA 2020
A matter of style. Ceramic evidence of contacts between the Orontes valley and the southern Levant during the mid-late third millennium BC A Land in Between. The Orontes Valley in the Early Urban Age 2020
The transition from Early to Middle Bronze Age in Northwest Arabia. Bronze weapons from burial contexts at Tayma, Arabia and comparative evidence from the Levant ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR ORIENT-ARCHÄOLOGIE 2019
Pearls of the Past. Studies on Near Eastern Art and Archaeology in Honour of Frances Pinnock 2019
The EB–MB transition at Ebla. A state-of-the-art overview in the light of the 2004–2008 discoveries at Tell Mardikh Pearls of the Past. Studies on Near Eastern Art and Archaeology in Honour of Frances Pinnock 2019
The periodization of Early Bronze IV in the Southern Levant. Bridging the gap between stratigraphy and absolute chronology Conceptualizing Urban Experiences. Tell es-Sultan and Tall al-Ḥammām Early Bronze cities across the Jordan. Proceedings of a workshop held in Palermo, G. Whitaker Foundation, Villa Malfitano, June 19th 2017 2019
An innovative strategy to protect cultural heritage in Jordan. The Madaba Regional Archaeological Museum Project (MRAMP) JOURNAL OF EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN ARCHAEOLOGY AND HERITAGE STUDIES 2019
Before the cultural koinè. Contextualizing interculturality in the “Greater Levant” during the Late Early Bronze Age and the Early Middle Bronze Age The Enigma of the Hyksos. Volume I. ASOR Conference Boston 2017 - ICAANE Conference Munich 2018 – Collected Papers 2019
Alike but different. Drinking vessels in the Eastern Mediterranean around 2500-2000 BC Between Syria and the highlands. Studies in honor of Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati. 2019
The New Madaba Regional Archaeological Museum Project (MRAMP) Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan 2019
Ebla and Beyond. Ancient Near Eastern Studies after Fifty Years of Discoveries at Tell Mardikh. Proceedings of the International Congress Held in Rome, 15th‒17th December 2014 2018
The Early Bronze IVB pottery from Tell Mardikh/Ebla. Chrono–typological and technological data for framing the site within the regional context LEVANT 2018
Le relazioni tra Egitto e Levante meridionale nella seconda metà del III millennio a.C. Una visione d'insieme e un esame critico delle problematiche più recenti CONTRIBUTI E MATERIALI DI ARCHEOLOGIA ORIENTALE 2018


  • SH5_7
  • SH5_8
  • SH6
  • SH6_1
  • SH6_3
  • SH6_4

Interessi di ricerca

Near Eastern Archeology; processes of formation, crisis or collapse, and regeneration of urbanization in the Levant; material culture studies; ancient Levantine pottery; ancient tehcnologies; interconnectivity, interculturality, and social identity construction in past societies; trade and exchange; public archaeology; cultural heritage protection and promotion


Archeologia e Storia dell'Arte del Vicino Oriente antico
Levante meridionale
3rd millennium syria
early and middle bronze age
ealry urbanization and de-urbanization
Near Eastern archaeology
Ancient urbanism
ancient architecture
social practices
"warrior burials"
community of practice
Material culture studies
pottery technology
ancient pottery
Early Bronze Age ceramic
Cultural Heritage protection
cultural heritage monitoring
Cultural heritage management
public archaeology
community archaeology

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma