Marta D'Andrea


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
The Early Bronze IVB pottery of Ebla. Stratigraphy, chronology, typology and style Ebla and beyond. Ancient Near Eastern studies after fifty years of discoveries at Tell Mardikh 2018
The EB–MB transition in the Southern Levant. Contacts, connectivity and transformations Proceedings of the 10th International congress on the archaeology of the Ancient Near East 2018
‘Museums without walls’ and sustainable development in Jordan. Some thoughts from the Madaba Regional Archaeological Museum Project ARCHEOSTORIE 2018
A fresh look at Hama in an inter-regional context. New data from phase J materials in the National Museum of Denmark STUDIA EBLAITICA 2018
Recensione a F. Baffi, R. Fiorentino and L. Peyronel (eds), Tell Tuqan Excavations and Regional Perspectives. Cultural Developments in Inner Syria from the Early Bronze Age to the Persian/Hellenistic Period. Proceedings of the International Conference May 15th–17th 2013 – Lecce. Università del Salento. Dipartimento di Beni culturali – Collana del Dipartimento 21. Congedo Editore, Galatina, Italy, 2014. STUDIA EBLAITICA 2018
Expedition to Khirbat Iskandar and its environs. The 2016 season HAWLIYYAT DA'IRAT AL-ATAR AL-'AMMAT 2018
Portable NIR raman microspectroscopy investigation on Early Bronze IV pottery (2500–1950 BCE) from Khirbat Iskandar, Jordan VIBRATIONAL SPECTROSCOPY 2018
Note on Early Bronze IV grey hard-textured wares in the Levant STUDIA EBLAITICA 2017
Early Bronze IVB at Ebla. Stratigraphy, chronology, and material culture of the late Early Syrian town and their meaning in the regional context ANNALES ARCHÉOLOGIQUES ARABES SYRIENNES 2017
New insights on Early Bronze Age IV pottery production and consumption in the southern Levant. The case of Khirbat Iskandar, Jordan CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL 2016
Pottery production at Khirbat Iskandar, Jordan. Preliminary results of the technological study of EB IV pottery from the site Proceedings of the 9th International conference on the archaeology of the Ancient Near East 2016
New data from old excavations. Preliminary study of the EB IVB pottery from Area H at Tell Mardikh/Ebla, Syria Proceedings of the 9th International conference on the archaeology of the Ancient Near East 2016
I luoghi di culto del Levante meridionale all’inizio del Bronzo Medio. Caratteri locali, sviluppi autonomi e rapporti con il Levante settentrionale L’Archeologia del Sacro e l’Archeologia del Culto. Sabratah, Ebla, Ardea, Lanuvio (8-11 Ottobre 2013). Ebla e la Siria dall’Età del Bronzo all’Età del Ferro 2016
A Syrian goblet at Khirbat Iskandar, Jordan. A study of interconnectivity in the EB III/IV Period Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan XII 2016
Review of Uwe Finkbeiner, Mirko Novák, Ferhan Sakal and Paola Sconzo (eds), ARCANE, Vol. IV: Middle Euphrates, Brepols Publishers, Turnhout, Belgium 2015 STUDIA EBLAITICA 2016
Review of Eli Yannai and Yossi Nagar, Bet Dagan. Intermediate Bronze Age and Mamluk Period Cemetery. IAA Reports 55. Jerusalem 2014 ZEITSCHRIFT DES DEUTSCHEN PALAESTINA-VEREINS 2016
Preliminary notes on some EB IVB Painted Simple Ware shards from Ebla STUDIA EBLAITICA 2015
The socio-economic landscape of the Early Bronze IV period in the Southern Levant. A ceramic perspective Broadening horizons 4. A Conference of young researchers working in the Ancient Near East, Egypt and Central Asia 2015
The Southern Levant in Early Bronze IV. Issues and perspectives in the pottery evidence. Volume I: Text, Volume II: Appendices and Plates 2015
Review of V. Orsi, La produzione ceramica nel passaggio dal Bronzo Antico al Bronzo Medio (Premio FUP. Tesi di dottorato 20), Firenze University Press, Università degli Studi di Firenze STUDIA EBLAITICA 2015


  • SH5_7
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  • SH6
  • SH6_1
  • SH6_3
  • SH6_4

Interessi di ricerca

Near Eastern Archeology; processes of formation, crisis or collapse, and regeneration of urbanization in the Levant; material culture studies; ancient Levantine pottery; ancient tehcnologies; interconnectivity, interculturality, and social identity construction in past societies; trade and exchange; public archaeology; cultural heritage protection and promotion


Archeologia e Storia dell'Arte del Vicino Oriente antico
Levante meridionale
3rd millennium syria
early and middle bronze age
ealry urbanization and de-urbanization
Near Eastern archaeology
Ancient urbanism
ancient architecture
social practices
"warrior burials"
community of practice
Material culture studies
pottery technology
ancient pottery
Early Bronze Age ceramic
Cultural Heritage protection
cultural heritage monitoring
Cultural heritage management
public archaeology
community archaeology

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