Giuseppe De Vincentis


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Whole body MRI with Difusion Weighted Imaging versus 18F‑fuorodeoxyglucose‑PET/CT in the staging of lymphomas LA RADIOLOGIA MEDICA 2023
Abscopal Effect on Bone Metastases from Solid Tumors: A Systematic Review and Retrospective Analysis of Challenge within a Challenge BIOMEDICINES 2023
The DASciS Software for BSI Calculation as a Valuable Prognostic Tool in mCRPC Treated with 223RaCl2: A Multicenter Italian Study BIOMEDICINES 2023
Role of PET gamma detection in radioguided surgery: a systematic review CLINICAL AND TRANSLATIONAL IMAGING 2023
Role of Exendin-4 Functional Imaging in Diagnosis of Insulinoma: A Systematic Review LIFE 2023
Whole body MRI with Diffusion Weighted Imaging versus 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose-PET/CT in the staging of lymphomas LA RADIOLOGIA MEDICA 2023
Multiple myeloma: characterization of patients through the analysis of semiquantitative parameters with 18F-FDG PET THE EGYPTIAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY AND NUCLEAR MEDICINE 2023
Head-to-head comparison between FDG and 11C-methionine in multiple myeloma: a systematic review DIAGNOSTICS 2023
Medication and ECG patterns that may hinder SPECT myocardial perfusion scans PHARMACEUTICALS 2023
Clinical applications of TSPO PET for glioma imaging: current evidence and future perspective a systematic review DIAGNOSTICS 2023
Imaging of tauopathies with PET ligands: state of the art and future outlook DIAGNOSTICS 2023
Role of functional neuroimaging with 123I-MIBG and 123I-FP-CIT in de novo Parkinson's disease: a multicenter study LIFE 2023
Radio-guided lung surgery: a feasible approach for a cancer precision medicine DIAGNOSTICS 2023
The new bone WB-SPECT/CT: hybrid, from head-to-toe and digital! Is it worth the effort? EXPERT REVIEW OF MEDICAL DEVICES 2023
Extraosseous distribution of 99mTc-diphosphonates during bone scintigraphy: review of the literature with case series presentation INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION BIOLOGY 2023
Sex differences in 123I-mIBG scintigraphy imaging techniques in patients with heart failure EXPERT REVIEW OF MEDICAL DEVICES 2023
Subtle changes in central dopaminergic tone underlie bradykinesia in essential tremor NEUROIMAGE. CLINICAL 2023
First-, Second-, and Third-Generation Radiolabeled Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors in Positron Emission Tomography: State of the Art, a Systematic Review CANCER BIOTHERAPY & RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS 2023
The added value of lung perfusion scintigraphy semiquantitative measures in post-COVID patients with persistent dyspnea without pulmonary embolism EXPERT REVIEW OF MEDICAL DEVICES 2023
Functional Imaging in Musculoskeletal Disorders in Menopause SEMINARS IN NUCLEAR MEDICINE 2023

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma