Guido Pellegrini is Full Professor of Economic Statistics and Statistical Methods for Policy Evaluation at the Department of Social and Economic Sciences of Sapienza, University of Rome. He was President of the Italian Association of Regional Sciences (AISRe) in the three-year period 2017-2019 and President of the Statistical Information Guarantee Commission, and is currently on the Board of Directors of Svimez and on the Scientific Council of the Bruno Kessler Foundation and the D'Addario Foundation. Previously he worked as economist at the Research Department of the Bank of Italy.
He is an expert in the evaluation of programs and projects co-financed by European Funds or National and Regional Funds for the implementation and promotion of complex economic development programs. He has scientifically directed and coordinated the evaluation of numerous programs and projects concerning economic and social interventions of European, national and regional policies, in Italy and abroad. He has published over 150 papers in national and international journals on the evaluation of development and innovation policies, on interventions concerning incentives, credit and aid to enterprises, on the development of new enterprises and their survival, on economic growth and convergence between regions, on local development.
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