
Conservation, Restoration, and Analysis of Architectural and Archaeological Heritage.

Cultural heritage (CH) can be understood as a complexity of activities in a very wide range of disciplines
whose aim is to identify, evaluate, and preserve past achievements for the benefit of next generation in
having memory of the past and inspiration from it for future enhancements and appreciation of current
results. Many are thus the disciplines that concurrently can help in identifying, comprehending, and
transmitting to future generations CH values as well as in stimulating the inspiration of present and future

Analysis, Conservation, and Restoration of Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage.

The book could be a set of examples and experiences in various fields of Cultural Heritage (Architecture,
archaeology, historical centers, small artefacts, but also frescoes, paintings, sculptures, etc.). In the
book will be also a tool to present the most advanced examples and applications of new technologies on
cultural heritage. The scientific content will concern: architectural representation (included modelling
and rendering), in its broadest sense of knowledge mean, of instrument for values understanding, of

Freehand drawing. From tradition to the present day

The study of past artefacts as well as representation methods, graphic systems, behaviour and calligraphies are all crucial in the process traditionally used to understand real life drawings of our architectural and urban reality. The repre- sentations executed in academic circles are a good starting point because these drawings portray not only the memory of the places in question, but also the educational approach used over the years to train architects.

Diary of an Artistic Monument with Its Aura in a State of Decay

Old fountains, once they have lost their original function of providing drinking water, today often represent a problem for the public administrations that often own them, but they also constitute an excellent opportunity for revitalising the areas in which they are situated. This occurs because in the past this type of structure played an important role in the definition of the urban plan, a role that now seems to have been reinstated after a period of obscurity due to attempts to force the plan to conform to the necessities of contemporaneity.

Città Universitaria e quartiere San Lorenzo

La Città Universitaria Sapienza è un luogo di grande valore storico e culturale, oltre che motore economico essenziale per Roma. Purtroppo, ormai da troppi anni il campus e tutte le aree limitrofe non riescono ad esprimere il proprio potenziale. Gli spazi progettati da Marcello Piacentini sono stati concepiti come luoghi rigorosi e dal forte valore simbolico, aspetto del tutto plagiato dall’invadenza delle automobili che costituiscono un ostacolo fisico e visivo non indifferente, nella Città Universitaria così come nel vicino Policlinico Umberto I.

Il progetto come "modificazione dell'esistente"

This essay proposes a reflection on one possible way of intervening in the historical city and on an artefact to which the historical documentary value of monumentum or primary element is recognised. Specifically, the historical city object of interest is the city of Venice, whose structure has been investigated using consolidated urban analysis tools – Straßenbau and Schwarzplan – and the most recent spatial analysis tool – Rotblauplan – in order to understand its urban form, and therefore its space, and then reflect on its possible transformation by virtue of design action.

Composizioni per Akragas

The chapter illustrates ‘three moves’ implemented by the students of the Renato Capozzi and Federica Visconti’s Studios in order to take part in the ‘architectural game’. The ‘first move’ is characterised by a ‘sacrifice’: the students must deprive themselves of the total, and dangerous, freedom towards the theme of the year and constantly refer to an exemplary architecture, binding their compositional exercise in a close confrontation with their reference.

Between Research and teaching: Identifying new competencies for Healthy cities

Healthy Cities is one of the central themes addressed in the Sustainable Development
Goals. The World Health Organization’s new Urban Health Initiative creates a paradigm shift
in health systems approaches by focusing on the urban environment as a prerequisite for
healthy lifestyles - and disease prevention. In Europe, the Zagreb declaration pointed out its
attention to strengthen and champion action on health through healthy cities networks.
Architects and engineers play a strategic role in building this future and activating actions

The urban redevelopment project of San Lorenzo district in Rome

The district of San Lorenzo in Rome, so called because of its proximity to the basilica of
the same name, has a historical fabric and particular morphological and environmental
characteristics. Built on farmland belonging to the bourgeoisie at the end of the 1800s,
it attracted migrants who saw a certainty of work in the thriving construction sector. This
created the need to build cheap high-density dwellings for the working class, craftsmen
and the people, taking advan¬tage of the absence, until 1887, of a city building regula-

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