
Increase of Intracellular Cyclic AMP by PDE4 Inhibitors Affects HepG2 Cell Cycle Progression and Survival

Type 4 cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases (PDE4) are major members of a superfamily of enzymes (PDE) involved in modulation of intracellular signaling mediated by cAMP. Broadly expressed in most human tissues and present in large amounts in the liver, PDEs have in the last decade been key therapeutic targets for several inflammatory diseases. Recently, a significant body of work has underscored their involvement in different kinds of cancer, but with no attention paid to liver cancer.

Heavy metals adsorption by banana peels micro-powder: Equilibrium modeling by non-linear models

In this study the copper and lead adsorption efficiency onto banana peels powder was investigated. The agro-industrial waste recovery represents one of the Circular Economy pillars. In the view of the synthesis of an environmentally friendly adsorbent material, the powder was used without any preliminary chemical or thermal activation, but only after simple washing, drying and grinding. The bio-adsorbent was characterized by the FTIR technique and tested in batch mode on synthetic aqueous solutions containing Pb and Cu in the range 10–90 mg·L− 1.

Nox2-mediated platelet activation by glycoprotein (GP) VI: Effect of rivaroxaban alone and in combination with aspirin

Factor Xa (FXa) has been reported to activate platelet via interaction with glycoprotein (GP) VI but the underlying mechanism has not been fully elucidated. We investigated if Nox2-derived oxidative stress is implicated in FXa-induced platelet aggregation (PA), and the effect of a FXa inhibitor, namely rivaroxaban, with or without aspirin (ASA), on PA.

Anti-haemostatic compounds from the vampire snail Cumia reticulata: Molecular cloning and in-silico structure-function analysis

Blood-feeding animals are known for their ability to produce bioactive compounds to impair haemostasis and suppress pain perception in the host. These compounds are extremely appealing for pharmacological development since they are generally very effective and specific for their molecular target. A preliminary RNA-Seq based characterization of the secretion from salivary and mid-oesophageal tissues of the vampire snail Cumia reticulata, revealed a complex mixture of feeding-related transcripts with potential anaesthetic and anticoagulant action.

Detection of picramic acid and picramate in henné products by NMR spectroscopy

Painting and body art are increasing their utilisation as well as their cultural impact, since piercing and tattoos are expanding social phenomena, involving many young people. However, the utilised materials often enter the market with insufficient control and several cases of skin damages are reported. Safety of the utilised products must be ensured by adequate quality controls which must be easily made, rapid, low cost, clear and persuasive.

Retrodeformation of fossil specimens based on 3D bilateral semi-landmarks: Implementation in the R package “Morpho”

Many fossil specimens exhibit deformations caused by taphonomic processes. Due to these deformations, even important specimens have to be excluded from morphometric analyses, impoverishing an already poor paleontological record. Techniques to retrodeform and virtually restore damaged (i.e. deformed) specimens are available, but these methods genenerally imply the use of a sparse set of bilateral landmarks, ignoring the fact that the distribution and amount of control points directly affects the result of the retrodeformation.

Platform for the Hypoxic Analysis of Cell Behavior (HYP-ACB) including Seahorse instrument


The Hyp-ACB facility is a complex infrastructure able to measure, under normoxic and hypoxic conditions, the metabolic activity of living cells, with particular attention to the respiratory activity of mitochondria, in parallel with analysis of gene expression. The facility allows monitoring cell metabolism and gene expression under variable oxygen tensions, thus reproducing more closely the cell or tissue microenvironment(s) in both physiological and pathological conditions.

Inflammatory Responses and Barrier Function of Endothelial Cells Derived from Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells

Several studies have reported endothelial cell (EC) derivation from human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs). However, few have explored their functional properties in depth with respect to line-to-line and batch-to-batch variability and how they relate to primary ECs.

Clonal Analysis Delineates Transcriptional Programs of Osteogenic and Adipogenic Lineages of Adult Mouse Skeletal Progenitors

Bone, cartilage, and marrow adipocytes are generated by skeletal progenitors, but the relationships between lineages and mechanisms controlling their differentiation are poorly understood. We established mouse clonal skeletal progenitors with distinct differentiation properties and analyzed their transcriptome. Unipotent osteogenic and adipogenic cells expressed specific transcriptional programs, whereas bipotent clones combined expression of those genes and did not show a unique signature. We tested potential regulators of lineage commitment and found that in the presence of interferon-?

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