
School-age dental screening: oral health and eating habits

the study has the purpose to evaluate the association between clinical data collected from dental screening carried out on children and their eating habits.
Materials and methods: The dental screening was carried out on a sample of eight-year-old children attending the third grade of the elementary schools of Gaeta (Latina). Clinical data and periodontal status indexes were recorded. The descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, frequency) of all data were calculated and anova analysis and chi square test have been performed.

Don't judge a book by its cover. factitious disorder imposed on children-report on 2 cases

Factitious Disorder Imposed on Another (FDIA), also known as Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy (MSbP) is a very serious form of child abuse. The perpetrator, usually the mother, invents symptoms or causes real ones in order to make her child appear sick. Usually this is due to a maladaptive disorder or to an excessive of attention-seeking on her part. We report here two new cases of FDIA.

Headache and alexithymia in children and adolescents: what Is the connection?

Background: Headache is one of the most common complaints in children and adolescents and comorbidity rates are very high and the major associated diseases are depression, anxiety, atopic disorders, sleep, and behavioral disorders. In recent years, it has been highlighted that difficulties regulating emotions such as alexithymia have also been associated with diagnosis of somatization.

Alexithymia, Metacognition, and Theory of Mind in Children and Preadolescents With Migraine Without Aura (MWoA): A Case-Control Study

Background: Some studies have demonstrated the high impact of headache and migraine in several areas of children and adolescents’ life. In recent years, there has been an increase in scientific interest in the relationship between migraine and emotional regulation, investigating the possible consequences of emotional dysregulation on physical and mental health.

Behavioral therapies in headache: focus on mindfulness and cognitive behavioral therapy in children and adolescents

Introduction: A wide proportion of children and adolescents with headache tends not to respond to various pharmacological treatments in use. The failure to respond to symptomatic treatment and prophylaxis is often due to the presence of a comorbid psychopathology undiagnosed or not properly treated. For these reasons and for the negative impact of headache on the quality of life of the patients and on the costs for the public health system, the adoption of an integrated multi-disciplinary perspective in the diagnosis and treatment of headache is needed.

Metacognition and theory of mind in children with migraine and children with internalizing disorders

Mentalization, theory of mind (ToM) and metacognition are abilities that explain or predict behavior based on beliefs, intentions, or feelings attributed to the self or others, mental states and thoughts. Some studies have showed an impairment of these abilities in children and adolescents with several disorders, such as anxiety,

Attitudes and beliefs of italian educators and teachers regarding children raised by same-sex parents

Teachers and educators represent meaningful relationships for children, and their attitudes can have a major influence on a child’s development. This research examined the role of background characteristics, contact experiences, and sexual prejudice in determining beliefs about children’s adjustment in same-sex parent families. The sample consisted of 323 Italian teachers and educators working in nursery schools, kindergartens, and primary schools.

Effects of Natural, Urban and Historical-Urban Environments on Children affected by ADHD in Italy

Attention is essential to development and is important for executive functioning. Unfortunately, a growing number of school children suffer of chronic attention deficit such as the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). It is important to consider that many of these very young patients are pharmacologically treated and need to deal with side effects that may occur.


Attention is essential to development and is important for executive functioning. Unfortunately, a growing number of school children suffer of chronic attention deficit such as the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). It is important to consider that many of these very young patients are pharmacologically treated and need to deal with side effects that may occur.

Reasoning on figurative language: A preliminary study on children with autism spectrum disorder and klinefelter syndrome

In this study we explored metaphor and idiom competencies in two clinical populations, children with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) and children with Klinefelter syndrome (KS), (age range: 9–12), compared to typically developing (TD) children of the same age. These three groups were tested with two multiple-choice tests assessing idiom comprehension through iconic and verbal alternatives and a metaphor comprehension test composed of novel, physical-psychological metaphors, requesting verbal explanations.

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