climate change

inURBECitizens PRIN PNRR 2022

inURBECitizens PRIN PNRR 2022

inURBECitizens: strengthening INtegrated Urban climate Resilience in the Built Environment through multi-objective strategies and Citizens involvement

Cities face major environmental and social challenges, worsened by population growth and climate change. In particular, the urban heat island (UHI) effect can raise temperatures by up to 10°C compared to suburban areas, intensifying heatwaves and disproportionately affecting the most vulnerable. Additionally, climate change has led to more extreme weather events, with heavier rainfall in winter and prolonged droughts in summer.

Compositional analysis of fish communities in a fast changing marine ecosystem

Concerns about the effects of human activities and climate change on the Mediterranean marine ecosystem are recently demanding new research work on the response of fish communities to environmental pressures to which they are subjected. The main limitation of standard statistical approaches is that they cannot properly account for the complex interactions occurring among subpopulations. In this work, we analyze a community of 129 demersal fish species living in front of the Lazio coast.

Inondazioni costiere nel Mediterraneo. Strategie di trasformazione per città resilienti

Il rapporto IPCC del 2018 rappresenta lo stato attuale delle conoscenze sui cambiamenti climatici e sui loro potenziali impatti ambientali e socioeconomici. Una delle conseguenze più dirette di tali cambiamenti è rappresentata dall’innalzamento del livello dei mari, tematica sulla quale si sofferma il contributo, evidenziando come, ad oggi, non esista un recepimento e una declinazione soddisfacente, nel livello di pianificazione locale, degli indirizzi contenuti negli strumenti settoriali preposti alla gestione del fenomeno.

SUSTAINABLE URBAN PROJECT The role of public spaces in adapting cities to the effects of climate change

Contemporary urban planning is nowadays getting involved into thematic related with the slow and unceasing city transformations. This circumstance highlights the need for overcoming the sectoral approach to urban complexity, in favor of a more integrated one. The context to which reference is made is the urban area; the challenge is about the adaptation to the physical, social and economic transformations; the intervention tool to which the contribution refers is that of Urban Project.

Towards a sustainable turning point of the urban project. The role of public space in adapting cities to the effects of climate change

Contemporary urban planning is nowadays getting involved into thematics related with the slow and unceasing city
transformations. This circumstance, highlights the need for overcoming the sectoral approach to urban complexity, in favor of a
more integrated one (Macciocco, 2015), but at the same time it also shows the great opportunity of making a sustainable change,
from a polysemic point of view, in the urban transformation and regeneration strategies which involve contemporary cities and

Le urgenze del cambiamento climatico. La geoingegneria nell'agenda politica

This article examines the role that geo-engineering has taken on the political agenda. The relevance of these choices for the everyday life of people should prompt us to reflect on the dynamics of climate governance not only with respect to the various responsibilities, but also with attention to the distribution of the impacts of the damage caused by changes. Reflections and concerns that geography deals with in the debate on human-environment relationships. Relations also transformed by increased knowledge on Nature but, paradoxically, by increased uncertainty

Ambiente e Mercato

Nell’articolo si esamina la relazione tra la finanza, la tecnologia e il cambiamento climatico con attenzione al ruolo che la geoingegneria ha assunto nell'agenda politica. L'importanza di queste scelte per la vita quotidiana delle persone dovrebbe spingerci a riflettere sulle dinamiche della governance climatica.

Seasonal food web dynamics in the Antarctic benthos of Tethys Bay (Ross Sea). Implications for biodiversity persistence under different seasonal sea-ice coverage

Determining food web architecture and its seasonal cycles is a precondition for making predictions about Antarctic marine biodiversity under varying climate change scenarios. However, few scientific data concerning Antarctic food web structure, the species playing key roles in web stability and the community responses to changes in sea-ice dynamics are available. Based on C and N stable isotope analysis, we describe Antarctic benthic food webs and the diet of species occurring in shallow waters (Tethys Bay, Ross Sea) before and after seasonal sea-ice break-up.

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