climate change

Abitare il nord che cambia

Il piano di sviluppo dell’area Vassara-Sandviken di War in the Winter introduce una serie di principi progettuali che mirano a rendere il paesaggio urbano particolarmente adattabile alle inondazioni, alle rigide temperature del circolo polare artico, alle nevicate e agli squilibri ambientali indotti dal riscaldamento climatico.

Climate changes and ST-elevation myocardial infarction treated with primary percutaneous coronary angioplasty

Background: The impact of seasonal changes on the incidence of acute myocardial infarction has been incompletely appraised, especially in the modern era of primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PPCI). We aimed to appraise the overall and season-specific impact of climate changes on the daily rate of PCCI. Methods: Details on PPCI and climate changes were retrospectively collected in three high-volume Italian institutions with different geographical features.

Climatic variations in Macerata province (Central Italy)

The province of Macerata, Italy, is a topographically complex region which has been little studied in terms of its temperature and precipitation climatology. Temperature data from 81 weather stations and precipitation data from 55 rain gauges were obtained, and, following quality control procedures, were investigated on the basis of 3 standard periods: 1931-1960, 1961-1990 and 1991-2014.

Analysis of rainfall trends and extreme precipitation in the middle adriatic side, Marche Region (Central Italy)

Extreme precipitation trends and events are fundamental for the definition of the region's climate and allow the subsequent analysis of the risk for the territory and the possible countermeasures. This study takes into account the Marche Region (Central Italy) with 128 rain gauges from 1921 to 2017. Initially, in order to obtain a rainfall overview, the dominant trend of the period 1921-2017 was evaluated. Initially, in order to obtain a rainfall overview, the dominant trend of the period 1921-2017 was evaluated.

The moderating role of interest in politics on the relations between conservative political orientation and denial of climate change

Although shared consensus in the scientific community confirms the reality of climate change and the likelihood of its anthropogenic causes, denial of this phenomenon, its anthropogenic causes, and its consequences still is widespread. This denial consistently has been associated with conservative ideology and related individual differences at the psychological level, but little is known about the mechanisms that explain this relationship.

Mindfulness, pro-environmental behavior, and belief in climate change. The mediating role of social dominance

In recent years, mindfulness has been considered as a potential source of proenvironmental attitudes and behavior. Present research is aimed at consolidating and expanding previous knowledge by proposing that mindfulness is related to both proenvironmental behavior and belief in global climate change through social dominance orientation (SDO). A first study was conducted on undergraduate students (n = 279) and found, as expected, that trait mindfulness was related to proenvironmental behavior through SDO.

Ecology and social relations: the challenge in a global perspective

In recent years, the climate has come to play an important role in the international agenda. The current debate highlights that sustainability is not just about the ecological dimension, but it is closely linked to lifestyles and the allocation of social resources. Starting from the concept of social ecology, the paper adopts a holistic approach to interpret and act in the contemporary situation.

Rigenerazione e città pubblica. Strategie e strumenti per rispondere alle nuove sfide della contemporaneità

L’indiscriminato sfruttamento delle risorse ambientali, l’elevato consumo di suolo, l’aumento della popolazione urbana, gli effetti del global warming, la mancanza di spazi e servizi pubblici, di trasporti collettivi e di adeguate politiche sociali, insieme alle problematiche legate all’emergenza socio-sanitaria in atto, richiamano, l’esigenza di implementare una strategia unitaria, integrata e interscalare che assuma come matrice di riferimento la costruzione della città pubblica finalizzata alla rigenerazione urbana.

Eco-Distretto | Eco-District

Un eco-distretto è un quartiere impegnato sul piano del perseguimento della sostenibilità con persone responsabilizzate, edifici verdi e infrastrutture intelligenti. Gli eco-distretti sono una strategia globale per accelerare lo sviluppo sostenibile su scala di quartiere integrando progetti di edifici e infrastrutture con azioni comunitarie e individuali. Rappresentano una scala importante per accelerare la sostenibilità: abbastanza piccoli da innovare rapidamente e abbastanza grandi da avere un impatto significativo.

How climate change affects the building energy consumptions due to cooling, heating, and electricity demands of italian residential sector

Climate change affects the buildings’ performance, significantly influencing energy consumption, as well as the indoor thermal comfort. As a consequence, the growing outdoor environmental temperatures entail a slight reduction in heating consumption and an increase in cooling consumption, with different overall effects depending on the latitudes. This document focuses attention on the Italian residential sector, considering the current and reduced meteorological data, in anticipation of future climate scenarios.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma