Computer Science Applications1707 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

Comparison of phase-field models of fracture coupled with plasticity

In the last few years, several authors have proposed different phase-field models aimed at describing ductile fracture phenomena. Most of these models fall within the class of variational approaches to fracture proposed by Francfort and Marigo [13]. For the case of brittle materials, the key concept due to Griffith consists in viewing crack growth as the result of a competition between bulk elastic energy and surface energy. For ductile materials, however, an additional contribution to the energy dissipation is present, related to plastic deformations.

Thermodynamically consistent electro-chemo-mechanical model for polymer membranes

Nafion membranes, are polymeric thin films widely employed in micro-batteries and fuel cells. These devices are expected to play a key role in the next generation energy systems for use in vehicles as a replacement to combustion engines. In fact, a minimum environmental impact is guaranteed by reduced carbon dioxide emissions. It is usually complicated to investigate the behavior of thin membranes through experiments. Therefore, numerical simulations are carried out in order to enable a better understanding of the phenomena and of the multi-field couplings occurring in polymeric membranes.

CLAIRE: A combinatorial visual analytics system for information retrieval evaluation

Information Retrieval (IR) develops complex systems, constituted of several components, which aim at returning and optimally ranking the most relevant documents in response to user queries. In this context, experimental evaluation plays a central role, since it allows for measuring IR systems effectiveness, increasing the understanding of their functioning, and better directing the efforts for improving them.

Dynamic distributed clustering in wireless sensor networks via Voronoi tessellation control

This paper presents two dynamic and distributed clustering algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). Clustering approaches are used in WSNs to improve the network lifetime and scalability by balancing the workload among the clusters. Each cluster is managed by a cluster head (CH) node. The first algorithm requires the CH nodes to be mobile: by dynamically varying the CH node positions, the algorithm is proved to converge to a specific partition of the mission area, the generalised Voronoi tessellation, in which the loads of the CH nodes are balanced.

Hierarchical tracking task control in redundant manipulators with compliance control in the null-space

In this paper, a new approach for dealing with multiple tracking tasks during physical interaction is proposed. By using this method, multiple tasks are accomplished based on the assigned priority in addition to a compliant behavior in the null-space of the main tasks. This issue is critical when robots are employed for complex manipulation in unknown environments and in the presence of human. During the manipulation in the dynamic environments, different objects may collide with the robot body and disturb its manipulation.

Economic sustainability of additive manufacturing: Contextual factors driving its performance in rapid prototyping

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate additive manufacturing (AM) phenomenon extending previous research results by studying in-depth the economic sustainability of AM technology and bringing out the contextual factors that drive its superior performances in comparison with conventional manufacturing, and justify its adoption in rapid prototyping (RP) from an economic point of view. Design/methodology/approach: Data have been collected through a worldwide survey. Respondents were from 105 companies adopting the technology from 23 countries worldwide.

Feedforwarding under sampling

The paper deals with stabilization of feedforwardmultiple cascade dynamics under sampling. It is shown that u-average passivity concepts and Lyapunov methods can be profitably exploited to provide a systematic sampled-data design procedure. The proposed methodology recalls the continuous-time feedforwarding steps and can be applied under the same assumptions as those set over the continuous-time cascade dynamics. The final sampled feedback is carried out through a three steps procedure that involves iterative passivation and stabilization in the u-average sense.

How digital transformation is reshaping the manufacturing industry value chain: The new digital manufacturing ecosystem applied to a case study from the food industry

The rapid development and adoption of Internet and digital technologies
dramatically changed business processes, leading to a disruptive digital transformation
of the whole industry value chain. The so-called Industry 4.0 refers to a
complex evolution of the entire industrial sector that includes technological
advances in production equipment (i.e. Additive Manufacturing), smart finished
products (IoT), data tools and analytics, involving activities and stakeholders at all

A multiscale force-based curved beam element for masonry arches

This paper presents a Timoshenko beam finite element for nonlinear analysis of planar masonry arches. Considering small displacement and strain assumption, the element governing equations are defined according to a force-based formulation that adopts three different parametrizations of the axis planar curve, permitting the exact description of the element geometry for arbitrarily curved arches. Specific quadrature techniques are illustrated to perform numerical integration over the curved axis.

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