Computer Science Applications1707 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

Evaluating visual data analysis systems: A discussion report

Visual data analysis is a key tool for helping people to make sense of and interact with massive data sets. However, existing evaluation methods (e.g., database benchmarks, individual user studies) fail to capture the key points that make systems for visual data analysis (or visual data systems) challenging to design. In November 2017, members of both the Database and Visualization communities came together in a Dagstuhl seminar to discuss the grand challenges in the intersection of data analysis and interactive visualization.

Efficiency, effectiveness, and impacts assessment in the rail transport sector: A state-of-the-art critical analysis of current research

This paper aims at being a comprehensive reference for stakeholders, policy makers, and scholars interested in analyzing the problem of efficiency, effectiveness, and impacts of rail transport systems in a sound empirical way, paying specific attention to passenger transport services. The paper combines different analytical frameworks (engineering, economics, impacts), systematic review techniques, and advanced mappings. Framing economic efficiency studies into a transport planning perspective permits to move from efficiency to effectiveness issues.

A power-of-two choices based algorithm for fog computing

The fog computing paradigm brings together storage, com-munication, and computation resources closer to users’ end-devices.Therefore, fog servers are deployed at the edge of the network, offeringlow latency access to users. With the expansion of such fog computingservices, different providers will be able to deploy multiple resourceswithin a restricted geographical proximity.In this paper, we investigate an incentive-based cooperation schemeacross fog providers.

A Vision-Based System for internal pipeline inspection

The internal inspection of large pipeline infrastructures, such as sewers and waterworks, is a fundamental task for the prevention of possible failures. In particular, visual inspection is typically performed by human operators on the basis of video sequences either acquired on-line or recorded for further off-line analysis. In this work, we propose a vision-based software approach to assist the human operator by conveniently showing the acquired data and by automatically detecting and highlighting the pipeline sections where relevant anomalies could occur.

PVA hydrogel as polymer electrolyte for electrochemical impedance analysis on archaeological metals

The development of an electrochemical cell based on poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) hydrogel as polymer electrolyte for electrochemical impedance spectroscopy analysis (EIS) is discussed. PVA hydrogel is prepared with different cycles of freeze/thawing (F/T) employing distillated and mineral water as solutions. The PVA-disks obtained are compared for their conductivities in order to employ it in an appropriate cell for diagnostic purposes, reducing the invasiveness of the analysis on the sample.

Overexpression of the vitronectin v10 subunit in patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis: Implications for noninvasive diagnosis of NASH

Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is the critical stage of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
(NAFLD). The persistence of necroinflammatory lesions and fibrogenesis in NASH is the leading cause
of liver cirrhosis and, ultimately, hepatocellular carcinoma. To date, the histological examination of
liver biopsies, albeit invasive, remains the means to distinguish NASH from simple steatosis (NAFL).
Therefore, a noninvasive diagnosis by serum biomarkers is eagerly needed. Here, by a proteomic

Sonic hedgehog medulloblastoma cancer stem cells mirnome and transcriptome highlight novel functional networks

Molecular classification has improved the knowledge of medulloblastoma (MB), the most common malignant brain tumour in children, however current treatments cause severe side effects in patients. Cancer stem cells (CSCs) have been described in MB and represent a sub population characterised by self-renewal and the ability to generate tumour cells, thus representing the reservoir of the tumour.

Anti-proliferative properties and proapoptotic function of new CB2 selective cannabinoid receptor agonist in jurkat leukemia cells

Several studies demonstrated that cannabinoids reduce tumor growth, inhibit angiogenesis, and decrease cancer cell migration. As these molecules are well tolerated, it would be interesting to investigate the potential benefit of newly synthesized compounds, binding cannabinoid receptors (CBRs). In this study, we describe the synthesis and biological effect of 2-oxo-1,8-naphthyridine-3-carboxamide derivative LV50, a new compound with high CB2 receptor (CB2R) affinity.

Targeted interest-driven advertising in cities using Twitter

Targeted advertising is a key characteristic of online as well as traditional-media marketing. However it is very limited in outdoor advertising, that is, performing campaigns by means of billboards in public places. The reason is the lack of information about the interests of the particular passersby, except at very imprecise and aggregate demographic or traffic estimates. In this work we propose a methodology for performing targeted outdoor advertising by leveraging the use of social media.

Design of the first Italian roundabout with jointed plain concrete pavement

This work presents the results of the overall design of the first Italian roundabout with jointed plain concrete pavement. The examined case study complies with current international standards and practices for geometry of roundabouts and road pavements. The construction of a concrete pavement in an urban roundabout will better manage and slow down fast vehicular flows, and increase traffic fluidity in an important junction, trafficked by heavy vehicles, where maintenance works should be reduced to avoid queues.

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