
Ruins and landscape. Study and conservation of the fortifications of Ferentillo in Umbria

The Matterella fortress and the castle of Precetto are located in the municipality of Ferentillo in the Umbrian province of Terni; the fortified structures belonged to a complex defensive system that arose to protect the southern sector of the Valnerina valley near the ancient roads to Spoleto and Monteleone. The two settlements for defending and controlling the territory are positioned one before the other along the steep slopes of the valley, which at this point forms a narrow gorge in which the Nera river runs.

The landscape of the Astronomical Observatory in La Plata, Argentina. Form, geometry and colour

The numerous buildings that make up the Universidad Nacional de La Plata, founded in 1905, are not always as well-known and protected as they should be. The study illustrates the political and pedagogical relations between the University and the Argentinean State, the architectural theories that existed during different historical periods, and the signature style of every author of each building. The Astronomical Observatory of the city of La Plata, the current Faculty of Astronomy and Geophysics, was built in 1882 based on indications in the masterplan for the new Argentinean city.

Suolo e paesaggio, le relazioni "necessarie" nei Piani paesaggistici di terza generazione

Il presente contributo illustra le premesse di una ricerca in corso circa la necessità di mettere in gioco il ruolo preminente del suolo – in quanto “capitale naturale” – nell’ambito degli strumenti di pianificazione urbanistico-territoriali e paesaggistici. Il valore che, in questo senso, il suolo assume in una prospettiva di sostenibilità del sistema urbano è dovuto alle sue peculiari e cruciali “capacità di funzionare” (Doran et al., 1994) nei termini evolutivi complessi della sostenibilità.

Valorizzazione e recupero dei paesaggi fortificati: i borghi medievali Terminio-Cervialto

This examination proposes a critical interpretation of some restoration and rehabilitation works of the fortifications constituting the Terminio – Cervialto’s defence line, in the southern region of Italy called Alta Irpinia (AV): the castles of Quaglietta, Volturara, Castelvetere sul Calore and Taurasi.

Environmental heterogeneity effects on predator and parasitoid insects vary across spatial scales and seasons. A multi-taxon approach

1. As predator and parasitoid insects depend on multiple resources for adult feeding and reproduction, environmental heterogeneity (EH) is expected to be a key driver of their species diversity. In temperate regions, the benefits of EH are expected to vary across spatial scales and seasons, depending on species life-history traits and temporal fluctuations in resources. 2. We tested the importance of EH at multiple spatial scales on diversity and abundance of predator and parasitoid insects, and whether its effects changed across seasons.

Trapping or tethering stones (TS). A multifunctional device in the pastoral Neolithic of the Sahara

The Pierres de Ben Barour, also known as trapping or tethering stones (TS), are stone artefacts
with notches or grooves usually interpreted as hunting devices on the basis of rock art
engravings. Though their presence is a peculiar feature of desert landscapes from the
Sahara to the Arabian Peninsula, we know little about their age, context and function. Here
we present a new approach to the study of these artefacts based on a large dataset (837
items) recorded in the Messak plateau (SW Libya). A statistically-based geoarchaeological

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