
Sustainability of Wellbeing: An Analysis of Resilience and Vulnerability Through Subjective Indicators

Many scholars have focused on how the concepts of vulnerability and resilience may be employed in the analysis of sustainability. Different approaches have been proposed, concerning different fields of application (from environmental to financial settings). While much of the existing literature on vulnerability and resilience is sector-specific, we propose a more holistic approach that allows the sustainability of human well-being to be analyzed as a whole. In particular we apply those concepts to BES (Benessere, Equo e Sostenibile) framework, where 12 domains are included.

Forest ecological heterogeneity determines contrasting relationships between crown defoliation and tree diversity

Tree diversity is found to enhance ecosystem functions in forests and increase the resistance and resilience of trees subjected to environmental stress, including climate change. This effect, however, can be different depending on tree species assemblages and ecological contexts. The pan-European programme for monitoring forest health (ICP Forests) considers crown defoliation as an indicator of tree vitality. Only a few studies have analysed the role of tree diversity in crown defoliation, with contrasting results.

Investigating the Effects of COVID-19 Quarantine in Migraine: An Observational Cross-Sectional Study From the Italian National Headache Registry (RICe)

Background: Previous studies during SARS and Ebola pandemics have shown that quarantine is associated with several negative psychological effects, such as post-traumatic stress symptoms, confusion, and anger. These conditions may affect the course of many diseases, including migraine. Although it is possible that the quarantine measures for the current COVID-19 pandemic affect migraine burden, no information is currently available on this issue.

Dimensions of educational poverty and emergencies. Which protective factors for well-being?

Over the last few years, an idea of risk is emerging that correlates emergencies and their management to a more specific idea of “educational risk” (Isidori, Vaccarelli, 2013), which can be translated into the increase of chances of educational poverty. The consequences of a catastrophe often affect a multitude of aspects that influence and modify the so-called “educational functions” of territories and cities, impacting on issues that are strongly related to equality, or rather equity, in the access of citizens to quality educational experiences (Dewey, 2014).

Social, economic and environmental sustainability in planning community services

Resiliency and sustainability are not synonymous. Sustainability is a final (and constant) permanent objective, often based on a static vision: resiliency assumes instead a dynamic approach, looking at system transformation pro- cesses to drive its evolution and increase the chance of a sustainable final out- come. So, if the goal is sustainability, resiliency is one of the many ways we have today to obtain it.

Understanding the management of cyber resilient systems

The digital age characterizes the 21-century by the widespread and conscious use of Information Technology, originating the need for organizations to protect one of the most critical and valuable resources: information. Cyber security was born to protect information systems from cyber-attacks. Organizational resilience refers to the ability of a system to adapt to a change: a very contemporary concept that is finding more and more importance in our continuously changing society, assuming also a greater relevance in the cyber context.

Patients 2.0: Capabilities and Resilience in the Digital Society

The digital society has significantly contributed to reshaping the framework within which the relationship between patients and healthcare professionals is defined. The «Digital Society» is characterized by three main distinctive features: The fast development of new technologies; The change in communication systems; The transformation in human relationships. For these reasons, today patients have new

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