
Resilience, contagion, and vulnerability to external financial crisis in CEE countries

The recent financial crisis had serious worldwide impacts. Initial resilience and good past performances led to the illusion that the Central and Eastern European (CEE) region was able to decouple from developments in advanced economies. This initial illusion was however immediately denied by the facts that the crisis spread to that region just with a lag. The CEE region was, in fact, suddenly placed at the epicenter of the emerging market crisis. Further, the consequences of the crisis were not uniform among countries of the CEE region.

Immigrant women’s entrepreneurship: is there a development model in Italy?

The aim of this paper is to verify if there is a typical enterprise model for the development of immigrant female entrepreneurship in Italy. Based on the literature on the subject, however, it is useful to ask the following research question: “can membership in a national and international network facilitate the development of immigrant female entrepreneurship operating in Italy”? The survey was carried out by submitting a questionnaire to a sample of immigrant women entrepreneurs in the textile and clothing sector based in Italy.

An overview on immigrant women’s entrepreneurship in the Italian context

The aim of this paper is to verify whether a successful development model of female immigrant entrepreneurship does exist in Italy. Our study will focus on the potentiality of social media strategies as opportunities for growth and development of new business ideas. The assumptions underpinning the theoretical framework are Hp1, implementing social media strategies is an opportunity for business development, and Hp2, the ability to create partnerships with companies within the same industry has an impact on the implementation of social media strategies.

Collapse or transformation? Regeneration and innovation at the turn of the first millennium BC at Arslantepe, Turkey

Ongoing excavations at Arslantepe in south-eastern Turkey are revealing settlement continuity spanning two crucial phases at the transition from the second to the first millennium BC: the post-Hittite period and the development of Syro-Anatolian societies.

Morphological systems of open spaces in built environment prone to Sudden-onset disasters

Recent events have shown how the Built Environment (BE), defined as a network of buildings, infrastructures and open spaces, and its users are more and more prone to disasters, showing very poor resilience. The paper focuses on the state of the art concerning the relation between BE and Sudden-onset disasters (SUOD) considering the risks and human behavior.

Città mediterranea e rischio idraulico. Soluzioni integrate per la resilienza a scala urbana ed edilizia // Mediterranean city and flooding risk. Integrated solutions for urban and building resilience

Il fenomeno delle inondazioni, per intensità e frequenza, ha da sempre interessato i territori naturali e urbanizzati in diverse parti del mondo. Il progressivo incremento dell’antropizzazione ha fatto sì che le aree urbane fossero sempre più esposte al rischio idrogeologico. Negli ultimi venti anni più di 2.3 miliardi di persone sono stati colpiti da fenomeni inondativi, mentre 1.1 miliardi sono stati costretti ad abbandonare le proprie abitazioni. In termini economici, i danni hanno superato i 165 miliardi di dollari.

Mediterranean city and flood: a systemic approach to risk mitigation

Urban areas are suffering increasing vulnerability to flooding due to the lack of a cultural, scientific and operative framework to mitigate risks connected to these events. Indeed, prevention and management of such hazards have always been carried out with defensive actions aimed at realizing a technology-based control over natural dynamics through traditional engineering solutions, disregarding the essential role of other connected disciplines.

Città mediterranea e rischio idraulico: soluzioni integrate per la resilienza a scala urbana ed edilizia

Il fenomeno delle inondazioni, per intensità e frequenza, ha da sempre interessato i territori naturali e urbanizzati in diverse parti del mondo. Il progressivo incremento dell’antropizzazione ha fatto sì che le aree urbane fossero sempre più esposte al rischio idrogeologico. Negli ultimi venti anni più di 2.3 miliardi di persone sono stati colpiti da fenomeni inondativi, mentre 1.1 miliardi sono stati costretti ad abbandonare le proprie abitazioni. In termini economici, i danni hanno superato i 165 miliardi di dollari.

The effect of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems on outdoor comfort and runoff

Cities are facing numerous challenges such as Urban Heat Island Effect (UHIE) and more frequent flooding events, due to the increasing soil sealing. Greenery and water implemented in urban outdoor spaces have been promoted as effective strategies to counteract UHIE while Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) have been identified as convenient solutions to increase resilience to flooding. However, since many SUDS are green-based, they also benefit urban microclimate and outdoor thermal comfort.

Consumo di suolo e rischio idraulico nel X Municipio Di Roma

Tra le sfide che caratterizzano la decrescita sostenibile dei centri urbani, un importante contributo alla definizione degli scenari futuri è dato dalle incertezze legate ai cambiamenti climatici. Le possibili azioni da intraprendere richiedono un ampio grado di adattabilità per incrementare la resilienza, ristabilendo il rapporto bidirezionale tra l’inevitabile interazione “uomo<->modifiche<->ambiente”.

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