social media

Women in business and social media: implications for female entrepreneurship in Emerging Countries

The aim of this paper is to carry out a literature review on women in business and social media in order to know the state of the art and to understand whether and to what extent the studies conducted so far have addressed these issues: how and why are women entrepreneurs and managers using social media? Do they use social media for marketing, networking or personal reasons?

Fertility Day, Fertility Fake. Studio su una campagna istituzionale e la sua contro-campagna creativa

L’attivismo creativo grassroots italiano affonda le sue radici nelle strategie di comunicazione dei nuovi movimenti sociali e delle sottoculture urbane, attente alla ricombinazione di contenuti antagonisti e linguaggi di matrice pop, da quelli storici del fumetto e della pubblicità a quelli dei cosiddetti internet meme, diffusi sulle piattaforme di social networking.

Wiener, Goldrake e i social media. L’eredità della cibernetica tra scienza, tecnologia e comunicazione

Il saggio sottolinea come per chi studia comunicazione e, soprattutto, per chi adotta una prospettiva sociologica riconducibile al
campo dei processi culturali e comunicativi, comprendere l’importanza de "La Cibernetica" equivale a considerare
tanto l’evoluzione teorica e scientifica innescata dalle riflessioni di Wiener, quanto l’influenza che ha avuto

«Non guardarmi, non ti sento». Processi di sense giving nella controversia sui vaccini infantili tra gli utenti di Facebook

In this paper, we focus on the motivations and on the perceptions of Italian Facebook users who are actively engaged in spreading «official» or «alternative» scientific information, adopting as our case study the childhood vaccines controversy. The majority of research addressing misinformation on social media is based on quantitative analysis. While this research provides relevant insights, we believe that scholars should also better explore users’ motivations and perceptions.

Tra risposte protocollate e «social sensing». L'uso dei social media per la comunicazione d'emergenza nelle istituzioni locali italiane

Il ruolo dei social media nella comunicazione di emergenza e? ormai riconosciuto dalla letteratura, soprattutto in ambito internazionale, e sta acquistando crescente visibilita? anche a livello di pratiche diffuse e di discorso pubblico. An- che nel nostro Paese quote crescenti di cittadini si rivolgono ai social media, in occasione di emergenze e disastri naturali, per ottenere e diffondere informazioni, cercare o fornire supporto, condividere emozioni.

I social: una nuova mediatizzazione della politica? Il caso @matteosalviniofficial su Instagram

This paper aims to rethink the features of ‘mediatized’ political communication within a ‘hybrid media system’ in which the social networks accounts of political leaders are becoming increasingly important. Firstly, the paper summarizes the main aspects of ‘mediatisation’, as it has been analysed in relation to the mass media system. Then, we discuss the concepts of ‘disintermediation’ and the new forms of ‘mediation’ specific to social platforms. The analysis shows that ‘disintermediation’ does not lead to the end of ‘mediatization’.

‘Youngsplaining’ and moralistic judgements. Exploring ageism through the lens of digital ‘media ideologies’

In this paper, we explore ageist depictions of both young and older people as they emerge
from discourses addressing ‘other people’s’ digital media usage practices. We carried out
eight focus groups (four with teenagers, four with people aged 65 or older) in two southern
European cities (Rome and Barcelona). By negotiating the affordances and constraints
of (digital) tools and platforms, people develop their own usage norms and strategies,
which might – or might not – be intersubjectively shared. Discourses surrounding usage

“I do it my way”. Idioms of practice and digital media ideologies of adolescents and older adults

This article analyzes the idioms of practice and media ideologies of adolescents
and older adults regarding mobile digital media usage, and how they are negotiated
within and between age cohorts. We formed aged-based focus groups in Rome and
Barcelona (four groups of 16- to 19-year-olds and four of 65- to 85-year-olds). The
comparison provides new insights on older individuals’ communication practices, often
overshadowed by the focus on youth. Participants of both age groups explained they do

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