social media

From newsmaking to newsfaking. A transmedia opportunity for disinformation

Fake news appear to be one of the most relevant and widespread phenomena characterising media landscape in the last few years, to the point that several fundamental international political and social events, such as the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States of America and the Brexit referendum, are considered to have been strongly influenced by the dissemination of fake contents.

Shaken and stirred: Social representations, social media, and community empowerment in emergency contexts

In this paper we examine the use of Twitter and Facebook in two dramatic earthquakes that hit Italy: L’Aquila (in 2009) and Emilia (in 2012). Indeed, disasters disrupt everyday life and engage people in meaning-making processes aimed at recovering meaning and control of their world. In these cases, we argue that the use of social media may contribute to social representa- tions processes and functions: cognitive coping, social sharing of emotions, preserving self-efficacy, boosting identity, and community empowerment.

Populism and Communication

The contribution aims, in its first part, at framing the populist phenomenon from the point of view of historical and political evolution of two interrelated processes: the praise of the direct representation of the popular will and the criticism and delegitimization of the elite. These processes find a sudden acceleration at the time of disintermediation, which clearly demonstrates its dual nature as an object of study between politics and communication.

Effetto Macerata. Dinamiche intermediali e agenda delle Politiche 2018 tra social e legacy media

This study focuses on ‘Macerata’ news-story (a series of events triggered by the shooting of immigrants), which took place a few weeks before the Italian General election, and disrupted and influenced the public agenda. The article examines the agenda building and framing processes, and their connection with the different actors of the public sphere through a cross-media perspective. Outcomes show how these processes are the result of the competition/cooperation dynamics between traditional and social media.

Fair Game. Stili e linguaggi della comunicazione sportiva.

Il linguaggio ha, per sua natura, un carattere particolarmente dinamico e cangiante. Si rinnova costantemente per esprimere significati e orientamenti, utili a rappresentare tempi e spazi. In questo divenire, lo sport è uno di contenuti più utilizzati per raccontare i cambiamenti sociali, ma è anche un sistema sociale complesso che utilizza la comunicazione per dialogare e concorrere allo sviluppo della società.

Recensione a Gian Luca Conti – Marina Pietrangelo – Francesco Romano (a cura di), Social media e diritti. Diritto e social media, Edizioni scientifiche italiane, 2018

Recensione ad un volume collettaneo sui molteplici profili giuridici dei social media, che testimonia il progressivo aumento di
attenzione specifica al tema dell’impatto che l’uso della Rete Internet ha sull’ordinamento giuridico.

Digital platforms and the professionalization of DIY in the popular music field. The experiences of long-time independent musicians

Over the past ten years grassroots music production has been incentivized by an increasing number of web-platforms that allow to autonomously manage music promotion and distribution. The adoption of such tools has been fostered by the promise to facilitate the development of sustainable DIY careers, however is widely debated ‘how much’ and ‘for who’ they are actually able to do so, especially considering the wider changes affecting music production.

Oltre le filter bubbles. Una riflessione sulla controversia vaccinale sui social media.

I social media vengono indicati tra i principali responsabili del considerevole calo di copertura vaccinale registrato in Italia. L’inedita vocalità offerta da tali piattaforme alle opinioni dei cittadini comuni influenza in modo significativo i nuovi atteggiamenti culturali nei confronti della vaccinazione.

Social media in earthquake-related communication. Shake networks

Social media are playing an increasingly important role during and in the aftermath of natural disasters. Several case studies show how citizens and institutions are using them to spread or gather relevant information, share emotions or support recovery actions. In 2013, Potts defined the role of social media during natural disasters as a ‘largely untapped site of study’ (Potts, 2014, p. 98). Although scholars are now engaging in a growing volume of research in this field, the literature still appears fragmented and overwhelmingly based on single case studies.

Alterpodes. Communication biases in plausible reasoning about geographic perception of space and place

This study builds on existing work on cartographic thinking in everyday life to better understand how our communication with others and use of media influences our perceptions of continental scale geography. Using a mixed, US-Italian sample of college students living in cities on similar latitudes (40N), we found that there is a bias in placing U.S. cities further north and European cities further south than where they should be.

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