The case study of Paris in an increasingly uncertain Europe.

02 Pubblicazione su volume
DE ROSA Anna Maria Silvana, BOCCI Elena

This contribution is part of a wider on-going research program initiated by de Rosa in the 1980s, inspired by
the paradigm of social representations and applying the “modelling approach”. The objectives of this
contribution are: to study the system of attribution of meanings to the different spatial dimensions of
"underground" and "over-ground" Paris; to analyse the differences in the social representations of 50
professional drivers in surface transport (trams, buses, taxis) and in subsoil (underground, RER). We expected
differences in the articulation of the social representations of the over-ground and underground metropolitan
city and different positioning of the professional groups of drivers in surface transport and in the subsoil.
Results of the psycho-social research will contribute to the debate on the best interventions in view of urban
transformations able to improve safety and reduce threats after the terrorist events that hit the city in 2015.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma