Modelling and Mapping the Dynamics of Knowledge. A Co-Creation Indicators Factory Design

Proponente Cinzia Daraio - Professore Ordinario
Sottosettore ERC del proponente del progetto
Componenti gruppo di ricerca
Componente Categoria
Giorgio Matteucci Componenti il gruppo di ricerca / Participants in the research project
Marco Angelini Dottorando/Assegnista/Specializzando componente il gruppo di ricerca / PhD/Assegnista/Specializzando member of the research group
Giuseppe Pasquale Roberto Catalano Componenti il gruppo di ricerca / Participants in the research project
Componente Qualifica Struttura Categoria
Henk Moed Senior researcher, equivalent of a Full Professor Former professor of Research Assessment at the University of Leiden, visiting scholar at Sapienza university of Rome Altro personale Sapienza o esterni / Other personnel Sapienza or other institution
Luca Leuzzi Researcher Italian National Research Council (CNR) Altro personale Sapienza o esterni / Other personnel Sapienza or other institution
Andrea Bonaccorsi Full Professor University of Pisa Altro personale Sapienza o esterni / Other personnel Sapienza or other institution

This project proposes a conceptual and empirical framework for developing models of indicators of knowledge dynamics and to map their co-production and co-evolution over time.

This objective will require overcoming a number of methodological and theoretical challenges, among which: i) the design of a general Co-Creation Indicators Factory embracing all the actors involved in the interaction between knowledge and society, and in their co-production and co-evolution; ii) the integration and consolidation of large and heterogeneous sets of micro-level data with meso and macrodata; iii) the development of a sound visual analytic approach to specify, evaluate and visualize suitable and timely indicators of knowledge co-creation, including contextual connections and feedbacks from the general public (society); iv) the development of new methodologies to estimate 'socially robust' impact indicators.

Despite the relevance of this theme for evidence-based policy making, there are few analyses on this topic.

To face these challenges, the research activity foreseen in this project will undertake a number of coordinated actions: 1) Build a Proof of Concepts of the Co-Creation Indicator Architecture. 2) Develop a prototype of the visual analytic system on data already available on research and higher education systems and test it on the University of Rome La Sapienza , extending it where possible to the Italian and European level. 3) Integrate these data (which are available thanks to the other projects in which the research team is involved) with a pilot investigation on the relevant and available data from the civil society. 4) Deliver the system usage requirements, including indications of the policy of the usage and the related requisites; 5) Carry out a few case studies of how data are used to derive indicators in the context of the European Research Area (ERA), including indicators to assess interdisciplinarity and map their co-evolution over time.


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