Nuovi orizzonti negli studi giuridici delle città

02 Pubblicazione su volume
Giglioni Fabio

Cities are realities with a very high potential legal impact, which law scholars just partially note. The article underlines legal relationships that local authorities develop with citizens and collectives for the recovery and reuse of urban assets and spaces. These relationships are listed in five diverse models, which are analyzed by the author in terms of legal characteristics, differences, relationships between these experiences and statute law and, finally, the disciplinary regime to be adopted for the resolution of any dispute. At the end of the essay, the author underlines the risks of an attitude of legal studies excessively leaned towards a communitarian perspective of the cities, by forgetting the values of the written law.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma