Giuseppe Biondi Zoccai


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Correction to: Atherothrombosis Prevention and Treatment with Anti-interleukin-1 Agents (Current Atherosclerosis Reports, (2020), 22, 1, (4), 10.1007/s11883-020-0819-1) CURRENT ATHEROSCLEROSIS REPORTS 2020
Italian cardiovascular expats: Global leaders with Italian heartstrings MINERVA CARDIOANGIOLOGICA 2020
Benefits of short-term or prolonged as compared to standard 1 year DAPT in patients with acute coronary syndrome treated with drug-eluting stents: a meta-analysis of 9 randomized trials JOURNAL OF THROMBOSIS AND THROMBOLYSIS 2020
Calcific Aortic Valve Stenosis and Atherosclerotic Calcification CURRENT ATHEROSCLEROSIS REPORTS 2020
Admission glucagon-like peptide-1 levels in acutemyocardial infarction: Is this a new biomarker of cardiovascular risk? EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL 2020
Relationship between coronary plaque morphology of the left anterior descending artery and 12 months clinical outcome: The CLIMA study EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL 2020
Relationship between angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor blockers and SARS-CoV-2 infection. Where are we? MINERVA CARDIOANGIOLOGICA 2020
Impact of aspirin on takotsubo syndrome. A propensity score-based analysis of the InterTAK registry EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HEART FAILURE 2020
Impact of temporary traffic bans on the risk of acute coronary syndromes in a large metropolitan area PANMINERVA MEDICA 2020
Impact of temporary traffic bans on the risk of acute coronary syndromes in a large metropolitan area PANMINERVA MEDICA 2020
342 Impact of temporary traffic bans on the risk of acute coronary syndromes in a large metropolitan area EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL SUPPLEMENTS 2020
339 Interplay between COVID-19, pollution, and weather features on changes in the incidence of acute coronary syndromes in early 2020 EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL SUPPLEMENTS 2020
Bridging aortic valve surgery to 21st century. what can a surgeon do VESSEL PLUS 2019
Acute Effects of Heat-Not-Burn, Electronic Vaping, and Traditional Tobacco Combustion Cigarettes: The Sapienza University of Rome-Vascular Assessment of Proatherosclerotic Effects of Smoking ( SUR - VAPES ) 2 Randomized Trial JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION. CARDIOVASCULAR AND CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASE 2019
Chemotherapy, cardiovascular disease and precision medicine. Toward truly individualized treatment for precision cardio-oncology? INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY 2019
Comparative spallation performance of silicone versus tygon extracorporeal circulation tubing INTERACTIVE CARDIOVASCULAR AND THORACIC SURGERY 2019
Surgical rescue of guidewire in-stent entrapment during coronary angioplasty ASIAN CARDIOVASCULAR AND THORACIC ANNALS 2019
Transcatheter aortic valve implantation for low-flow/low-gradient aortic stenosis: go with the flow! JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINE 2019
No guts, no glory for aortic stenosis: impact of liver function on patients undergoing trascatheter aortic valve implantation. JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINE 2019
On the road to regeneration. “Tools” and “Routes” towards efficient cardiac cell therapy for ischemic cardiomyopathy CURRENT CARDIOLOGY REPORTS 2019

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