Marco Brandano


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Fault-Block Platform Evolution between Late Cretaceous and Early Miocene along the Margin of the Latium-Abruzzi Carbonate Platform (Southern Prenestini Mountains, Central Apennines, Italy) GEOSCIENCES 2022
Reply to Comment by John J.G. Reijmer on ‘Understanding carbonate factories through palaeoecological and sedimentological signals – Tribute to Luis Pomar’ by Brandano et al . (2022), Sedimentology , 69, 5–23 SEDIMENTOLOGY 2022
Neodymium isotopes of central Mediterranean phosphatic hardgrounds reveal Miocene paleoceanography GEOLOGY 2022
The stratigraphic architecture of Bolognano Fm in the eastern Majella: implication for environmental and climatic evolution of the central paleo-Adriatic domain. Abstract book 2022
The Monterey Event in the Mediterranean platform to basin transition: The Guadagnolo Formation (Miocene, Prenestini Mountains, Central Apennines) PALAEOGEOGRAPHY PALAEOCLIMATOLOGY PALAEOECOLOGY 2021
The potential of carbonate ramps to record C-isotope shifts: insights from the upper Miocene of the Central Mediterranean area LETHAIA 2021
Stratigraphical and sedimentological relationships of the Bolognano Formation (Oligocene–Miocene, Majella Mountain, Central Apennines, Italy) revealed by geological mapping and 3D visualizations GEOLOGICA CARPATHICA 2021
The pyroclastic breccias from Cabezo Negro de Tallante (SE Spain): Is there any relation with carbonatitic magmatism? LITHOS 2021
Miocene paleoceanographic evolution of the Mediterranean area and carbonate production changes. A review EARTH-SCIENCE REVIEWS 2021
Carbonate-ramp reservoirs modelling best solutions. Insights from a dense shallow well database in Central Italy MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY 2021
Petrophysical properties of heavy oil-bearing carbonate rocks and their implications on petroleum system evolution. Insights from the Majella Massif MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY 2020
Fracture distribution within a carbonate hosted relay ramp: insights from the Tre Monti fault (Central Italy) TSG AGM 2020 Abstract Volume 2020
Facies heterogeneities and 3D porosity modelling in an Oligocene (Upper Chattian) carbonate ramp, Salento Peninsula, Southern Italy JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM GEOLOGY 2020
Erosion of Tortonian phosphatic intervals in upwelling zones. The role of internal waves PALAEOGEOGRAPHY PALAEOCLIMATOLOGY PALAEOECOLOGY 2020
Lithological and structural control on fracture frequency distribution within a carbonate-hosted relay ramp JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY 2020
Trophism, climate and paleoweathering conditions across the Eocene-Oligocene transition in the Massignano section (northern Apennines, Italy) SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY 2020
The submarine dune field of the Bolognano Fm. Depositional processes and the carbonate reservoir potential (Chattian to Burdigalian, Majella Carbonate Platform) GEOLOGICAL FIELD TRIPS & MAPS 2020
Factors controlling fracture distribution within a carbonate-hosted relay ramp: insights from the Tre Monti fault (Central Apennines) European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2020 - Sharing Geosciences online 2020
The lower Rupelian cluster reefs of Majella platform, the shallow water record of Eocene to Oligocene transition SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY 2019
The role of oceanographic conditions on Cenozoic carbonate platform drowning. Insights from Alpine and Apennine foreland basins TERRA NOVA 2019


  • PE10_8
  • PE10_12

Interessi di ricerca

Le linee di ricerca principali riguardano la sedimentologia, stratigrafia e paleoecologia dei carbonati mesozoici e cenozoici dell’area Mediterranea (Appennini, Baleari, Malta, Corsica e Sardegna, Sicilia, Salento, Alpi Liguri), con particolare riferimento alle ricostruzioni dei modelli deposizionali, eterogeneità di facies, paleoceanografia, paleoclima, al record delle perturbazioni del ciclo del C, all'evoluzione dei substrati delle praterie a fanerogame e alla geologia degli idrocarburi.  Tali analisi si basano sull’utilizzo dell’analisi di facies sul terreno, integrata dalle analisi di laboratorio che prevedono l’analisi quantitativa delle microfacies e le analisi geochimiche (isotopi del O & C,   radiogenici Nd & Sr, elementi in traccia) su dati di affioramento e su carote.


stable isotopes
Carbon isotope stratigraphy

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