Marco Brandano


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Sedimentology and depositional architecture of tidal compound dunes on a carbonate ramp. The lower Miocene deposits of the Central Apennine (Latium, Italy). MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY 2016
Evaluating the role of seagrass in Cenozoic CO2 variations FRONTIERS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 2016
Progressive deterioration of trophic conditions in a carbonate ramp environment: The Lithothamnion Limestone, Majella mountain (tortonian-early Messinian, Central apennines, Italy) PALAIOS 2016
Frequency analysis across the drowning of a Lower Jurassic carbonate platform. The Calcare Massiccio Formation (Apennines, Italy) MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY 2016
Ancient upwelling record in a phosphate hardground (Tortonian of Menorca, Balearic Islands, Spain) MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY 2016
Middle Eocene seagrass facies from Apennine carbonate platforms (Italy) SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY 2016
Coral assemblages and bioconstructions adapted to the depositional dynamics of a mixed carbonate-siliciclastic setting. The case study of the Burdigalian Bonifacio Basin (South Corsica) RIVISTA ITALIANA DI PALEONTOLOGIA E STRATIGRAFIA 2016
How the “Monterey Event” controlled carbonate platforms evolution: the central Mediterranean case history RENDICONTI ONLINE DELLA SOCIETÀ GEOLOGICA ITALIANA 2016
Calcareous nannofossils as a dating tool in shallow marine environment. An example from an upper Paleogene carbonate platform succession in the Mediterranean NEWSLETTERS ON STRATIGRAPHY 2016
Sedimentary facies of a tropical seagrass: insight from the Male South Atoll (Republic of Maldives) GeoSub2016 Proceedings Abstracts Book 2016
Halimeda dominance in the coastal wedge of Pietra di Finale (Ligurian Alps, Italy). The role of trophic conditions SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY 2015
Stratigraphic architecture and biostratigraphic constraints of the Bolognano Formation (Majella, Central Apennines). 2015
Decline of trophic resources in a carbonate ramp setting: the case study of Lithothamnion Limestone, Majella Mountain (Central Apennines, Italy) 2015
Middle Eocene seagrass assemblage from Apennine carbonate platforms (Italy) 2015
Calcareous nannofossils as dating tool in shallow marine environment: examples from the upper Paleogene and lower Neogene sedimentary successions in the Central Apennines. 2015
Frequency analysis of a Lower Jurassic Carbonate Platform: The Calcare Massiccio Formation (Apennines, Italy) 2015
Facies analysis and depositional architecture of the Santo Spirito Formation (Majella, Central Apennine) 2015
The impact of the Oi-1 event on a shallow-water carbonate succession: example from the Santo Spirito Formation (Majella, Central Apennine) 2015
Frequency analysis of a Lower Jurassic Carbonate Platform: the Calcare Massiccio Formation (Apennines, Italy) 2015
Sedimentary facies and foraminiferal assemblages from Posidonia oceanica meadows of western Mediterranean Sea Mediterranean Seagrass Workshop Sardinia 2015 Abstract book 2015


  • PE10_8
  • PE10_12

Interessi di ricerca

Le linee di ricerca principali riguardano la sedimentologia, stratigrafia e paleoecologia dei carbonati mesozoici e cenozoici dell’area Mediterranea (Appennini, Baleari, Malta, Corsica e Sardegna, Sicilia, Salento, Alpi Liguri), con particolare riferimento alle ricostruzioni dei modelli deposizionali, eterogeneità di facies, paleoceanografia, paleoclima, al record delle perturbazioni del ciclo del C, all'evoluzione dei substrati delle praterie a fanerogame e alla geologia degli idrocarburi.  Tali analisi si basano sull’utilizzo dell’analisi di facies sul terreno, integrata dalle analisi di laboratorio che prevedono l’analisi quantitativa delle microfacies e le analisi geochimiche (isotopi del O & C,   radiogenici Nd & Sr, elementi in traccia) su dati di affioramento e su carote.


stable isotopes
Carbon isotope stratigraphy

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