Marco Brandano


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
The seagrass skeletal assemblage from modern to fossil and from tropical to temperate. Insight from Maldivian and Mediterranean examples SEDIMENTOLOGY 2019
Oil distribution in outcropping carbonate-ramp reservoirs (Maiella Mountain, Central Italy). Three-dimensional models constrained by dense historical well data and laboratory measurements AAPG BULLETIN 2018
Miocene oceanographic evolution based on the Sr and Nd isotope record of the Central Mediterranean PALEOCEANOGRAPHY AND PALEOCLIMATOLOGY 2018
Modeling lateral facies heterogeneity of an upper Oligocene carbonate ramp (Salento, southern Italy) MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY 2018
The Eocene–Oligocene transition in the C-isotope record of the carbonate successions in the Central Mediterranean GLOBAL AND PLANETARY CHANGE 2018
Quantifying the contribute of seagrass carbonate factory from Paleocene to Present Geophysical Research Abstracts 2018
Post-rift sequence architecture and stratigraphy in the Oligo-Miocene Sardinia rift (Western Mediterranean Sea) MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY 2017
Oligocene Rhodolith beds in the Central Mediterranean Area Rhodolith/Maerl Beds. A Global Perspective 2017
The Monterey event within the Central Mediterranean area. The shallow-water record SEDIMENTOLOGY 2017
Strontium stratigraphy of the upper Miocene Lithothamnion Limestone in the Majella Mountain, central Italy, and its palaeoenvironmental implications LETHAIA 2017
Sedimentary facies of tropical seagrass meadows: insight from Maldivian atolls (Indian Ocean) Società Geologica Italiana XIII° MEETING GeoSed – Sezione Geologia del Sedimentario, Volume dei Contributi 2017
The sedimentary facies of Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows from the central Mediterranean Sea FACIES 2017
Unravelling the origin of a Paleogene unconformity in the Latium-Abruzzi carbonate succession. A shaved platform PALAEOGEOGRAPHY PALAEOCLIMATOLOGY PALAEOECOLOGY 2017
Global versus regional influence on the carbonate factories of Oligo-Miocene carbonate platforms in the Mediterranean area MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY 2017
Miocene Central Mediterranean oceanographic evolution. What do Sr and Nd isotopes tell us? Società Geologica Italiana XIII° MEETING GeoSed – Sezione Geologia del Sedimentario Volume dei Contributi 2017
Consequences of the Oi-1 event on the carbon cycle: The Central Mediterranean record. 33rd INTERNATIONAL MEETING OF SEDIMENTOLOGY 16ème CONGRÈS FRANÇAIS DE SÉDIMENTOLOGIE ABSTRACT BOOK 2017
Multiscale 3D reconstruction of an active petroleum system. Oil occurrence in Central Italy from outcrops to subsurface 79th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2017 2017
Response. Commentary. Evaluating the role of seagrass in cenozoic CO2 variations FRONTIERS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 2017
The Oligocene-Miocene stratigraphic evolution of the Majella carbonate platform (Central Apennines, Italy) SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY 2016
The shallow water record of the “Monterey Event” within the Central Mediterranean area: a major controlling factor of the carbonate platforms evolution 2016


  • PE10_8
  • PE10_12

Interessi di ricerca

Le linee di ricerca principali riguardano la sedimentologia, stratigrafia e paleoecologia dei carbonati mesozoici e cenozoici dell’area Mediterranea (Appennini, Baleari, Malta, Corsica e Sardegna, Sicilia, Salento, Alpi Liguri), con particolare riferimento alle ricostruzioni dei modelli deposizionali, eterogeneità di facies, paleoceanografia, paleoclima, al record delle perturbazioni del ciclo del C, all'evoluzione dei substrati delle praterie a fanerogame e alla geologia degli idrocarburi.  Tali analisi si basano sull’utilizzo dell’analisi di facies sul terreno, integrata dalle analisi di laboratorio che prevedono l’analisi quantitativa delle microfacies e le analisi geochimiche (isotopi del O & C,   radiogenici Nd & Sr, elementi in traccia) su dati di affioramento e su carote.


stable isotopes
Carbon isotope stratigraphy

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