Artemij Keidan


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Druz'ja, slova, tablicy. Sbornik statej v chest' 75-letija A. K. Polivanovoj. Friends, words, tables. Festschrift for the 75th birthday of Anna Polivanova 2020
Mesto nejtralizacii v fonologičeskom opisanii jazyka Zvegincevskie čtenija — 2020. K 60-letiju kafedry i otdelenija teoretičeskoj i prikladnoj lingvistiki i 110-letiju so dnja roždenija V.A. Zveginceva (Materialy konferencii) 2020
Yūto Kawamura, The kāraka theory embodied in the Rāma story. A Sanskrit textbook in Medieval India JOURNAL OF SOUTH ASIAN LANGUAGES AND LINGUISTICS 2019
Characteribus belgicis: alcuni aspetti della ricezione del gotico nell’umanesimo fiammingo e olandese ANNALI DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI STUDI LETTERARI, LINGUISTICI E COMPARATI. SEZIONE LINGUISTICA 2018
Strong adjectives, and similar phenomena, in the second generation IE languages Variation and contact in the Ancient Indo-European languages 2018
Linguistica generale e storica per studenti di lingue orientali e classiche. Volume I 2018
Linguistica generale e storica per studenti di lingue orientali e classiche. Volume II 2018
Gotskij jazyk i goticizm — ideologija, filologija, tipografika Lingua Gotica: Novye issledovanija. 3 2017
Subjecthood in Pāṇini’s grammatical tradition Anantaratnaprabhava. Studi in onore di Giuliano Boccali 2017
New NP dependency marking in the “second generation” IE languages 23rd International Symposium on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics (ISTAL 23). Book of abstracts 2017
A. K. Polivanova, Staroslavjanskij jazyk. Grammatika. Slovari, Mosca, Universitet Dmitrija Požarskogo, Institut Slavjanovedenija ran, 2013, xxvi+ pp. 766 (“Antico slavo. Grammatica. Dizionari”). INCONTRI LINGUISTICI 2017
Understanding a philosophical text. The problem of “meaning” in Jayanta’s Nyāyamañjarī, Book 5 Reading Bhaṭṭa Jayanta on Buddhist Nominalism 2017
Translation Techniques in the Ancient and Oriental Cultures OPEN LINGUISTICS 2015
Meaningfulness, the unsaid and translatability. Instead of an introduction OPEN LINGUISTICS 2015
Form, function and interpretation: a case study in the textual criticism of Pāṇini’s Aṣṭādhyāyī BULLETIN D'ÉTUDES INDIENNES 2015


  • SH4_9
  • SH4_10
  • SH4_12

Interessi di ricerca

  • Indo-European comparative linguistics and reconstruction
  • Theoretical issues in comparative method
  • Phonology and Morphophonology
  • Sanskrit
  • Pāṇini's grammar
  • Renaissance studies on language
  • Gothic language and philology
  • Philosophy of language


ancient Indo-European languages
Historical-Comparative method

Gruppi di ricerca

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