Daniele Ventura


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Defining the role of Sabellaria alveolata reefs as nursery areas for juvenile fish: first evidence from drone-based imagery and underwater visual census data MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES 2024
Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile, 1813 seedlings as a potential integrative tool for restoring damaged meadows RESTORATION ECOLOGY 2024
Structure and diversity patterns of coralligenous cliffs across three ecoregions in the Central-Western Mediterranean Sea DIVERSITY AND DISTRIBUTIONS 2024
Terrain, oceanographic, and biological factors underlying the development of Mediterranean coastal animal forests MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH 2024
The acoustic ecology of coastal dolphins by assessing the structural variability of sounds and the influence of contextual factors INTEGRATIVE ZOOLOGY 2024
Coastal benthic habitat mapping and monitoring by integrating aerial and water surface low-cost drones FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE 2023
Colonization of transplanted Posidonia oceanica: understanding the spatial dynamics through high-spatial resolution underwater photomosaics Ninth International Symposium “Monitoring of Mediterranean Coastal Areas: Problems and Measurement Techniques” 2023
Detecting trends in seagrass cover through aerial imagery interpretation: Historical dynamics of a Posidonia oceanica meadow subjected to anthropogenic disturbance ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS 2023
Il restauro ambientale dei fondali interessati dal naufragio della Concordia L'ecologia per un futuro migliore. Secondo Volume 2023
Tracing the route. Using stable isotope analysis to understand microplastic pathways through the pelagic-neritic food web of the Tyrrhenian Sea (Western Mediterranean) SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 2023
When scientists and industry technologies mitigate habitat loss. The first bioconstruction relocation in the Mediterranean Sea FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE 2022
Transplantation on a Posidonia oceanica meadow to facilitate its recovery after the Concordia shipwrecking MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN 2022
Resources and population traits modulate the association patterns in the common bottlenose dolphin living nearby the Tiber River estuary (Mediterranean Sea) FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE 2022
Integrating low-altitude drone based-imagery and OBIA for mapping and manage semi natural grassland habitats JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 2022
Image processing tools in the study of environmental contamination by microplastics. Reliability and perspectives ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL 2022
One is not enough. Monitoring microplastic ingestion by fish needs a multispecies approach MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN 2022
High spatial resolution underwater data for mapping seagrass transplantation. A powerful tool for visualization and analysis DATA IN BRIEF 2022
Capitoline dolphins. Residency patterns and abundance estimate of Tursiops truncatus at the Tiber River estuary (Mediterranean Sea) BIOLOGY 2021
Double Trouble: Synergy between Habitat Loss and the Spread of the Alien Species Caulerpa cylindracea (Sonder) in Three Mediterranean Habitats WATER 2021
High spatial resolution photo mosaicking for the monitoring of coralligenous reefs CORAL REEFS 2021


  • LS8_13


  • Life-science technologies & biotechnologies

Interessi di ricerca

Le mie principali linee di ricerca riguardano le attività finalizzate a comprendere i processi biologici ed ecologici che governano gli ecosistemi marini e le dinamiche delle specie ittiche costiere. Le tematiche affrontate riguardano la biologia e l’ecologia del necton e del benthos, e in particolare, tutti quei  processi che possono determinare la distribuzione e caratterizzazione delle praterie di Posidonia oceanica e del Coralligeno. Inoltre, tali interessi di ricerca mi hanno portato a condurre e sviluppare tecniche innovative per il campionamento da remoto, basate sull'acquisizione ed analisi di immagini derivanti da video-fotografia subacquea, tramite piattaforme remote quali ROVs (Remote Operated Vehicles) e APR (aeromobili a pilotaggio remoto o droni).


Demersal fishes
animal behaviour
Applicazioni GIS
fotogrammetria digitale
Posidonia oceanica

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