Spartaco Paris


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Performance assessment of Timber High-rise Buildings: Structural and Technological Considerations THE OPEN CONSTRUCTION & BUILDING TECHNOLOGY JOURNAL 2022
Training Architecture through Mies’ Houses: The Lemke House in Berlin Mies Van der Rohe the architecture of the city.Theory and Architecture 2022
Seismic- energetic and architectural integrated retrofit through BIM method. A case of study in Italy. 2nd Global Summit on Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering (GSCAEE2022) 2022
Jean Prouvé. Architettura, design e industria. Dalla Maison du Peuple de Clichy alla Cyclopean House. Architettura, Design e Cultura tecnologica. Il racconto di 18 protagonisti del Novecento. 2021
Progetto e tecnologie, tra scienze e nuovo umanesimo. Scenari per l’innovazione dei modelli formativi del progettista. Design and technologies, between sciences and new humanism. Innovation in the education and role of designers. TECHNE 2021
The Public Private Partnership for the effective enhancement and management of existing property assets: the case of Torrevecchia complex (Rome) GREEN ENERGY AND TECHNOLOGY 2021
Towards a new interaction between educational processes and practices: Faculty of Architecture, Sapienza University of Rome Thresholds in Architectural Education 2020
Economic Form in Teaching Design, between aesthetics, engineering and technologies. Some recent experiences in design studio The Fourteenth International Conference on Design Principles & Practice 2020
Economic Form in Teaching Design, between aesthetics, engineering and technologies. Some recent experiences in product design education. Fourteen International Conference Design Principles and Practice. 2020 Special Focus - Advocacy in Design: Engagement, Commitment, and Action,DESIGN PRINCIPLES & PRACTICES 2020
Design italiano o design globale? Una riflessione. SIMULTANEA 2020
Back to the Human Scale: Some Comments The Physical Model as a Tool for Training Culture of Design, From Object to Space ARCHITECTURAL MODELS AS LEARNING TOOLS. 2020
Rigore e licenza Claudio d'Amato Guerrieri e la «scuola barese» di architettura. A trent'anni dall'istituzione del Politecnico di Bari e della Facoltà di Architettura 2020
Produzione industriale, nuovi strumenti e tecnologie per il progetto di residenze prefabbricate customizzate: opportunità e limiti 2019
L’edificio residenziale alto nello sviluppo della città cinese. Un’esperienza di ricerca.The high rise building in the development of the chinese city. A research experience TECHNE 2019
Design, technology, empathy. A contemporary issue in the conception and production of artifacts. 2019
Considerazioni sul tema della facciata, tra linguaggio e tecnologie nella produzione contemporanea. Surveying the façade, between language and technology in contemporary production QU3 2019
Training architecture through Mies' houses: The Lemke House in Berlin Mies van der Rohe. The Architecture of the city 2019
The expansion of the education in design in Italy. A comparison with the European frame DESIGN PRINCIPLES & PRACTICES 2019
Produzione industriale, nuovi strumenti e tecnologie per il progetto di residenze prefabbricate customizzate: opportunità e limiti. Industrial production, new tools and technologies for design of custom prefab housing: opportunities and limits. 2019
L’innovazione tecnologica nel progetto, tra processo e prodotto. Technological innovation in design, between process and product DIID. DISEGNO INDUSTRIALE INDUSTRIAL DESIGN 2019


  • PE8_3


  • Fabrication & Manufacturing
  • Advanced manufacturing & processing
  • Sustainable technologies & development

Interessi di ricerca

Spartaco Paris (Rome,1973). Architect, graduated at the University of Rome "La Sapienza" in 1999. PhD in Environmental Technologies for Sustainable Development, he is  full professor of Technological Design at the Faculty of Architecture of Sapienza University of Rome, Department of stucfural engineering and geotechnics . Before and after his graduation, he had experiences of study and research abroad at Oxford Brookes University, at ETSA of San Sebastian and at  ETH in Zurich. From 2004 to 2012 he has taught at Polytechnic University of Bari. Lives and works in Rome.
From 2013 to 2017 he has been member of Domus Study Centre at Domus, he collaborates with several magazines in the field of design and technology.
He also has partecipated to many design competitions, with relevant results and awards.
He develops his research around the topics of design, throught projects which link sustainability and quality of habitat through architecture, design and technology. 
In 2021 he founded Best Design , startup of Sapienza  University of Rome.
Since 2022 He is deputy director of Interdepartmental Centre of Research CITERA of Sapienza Universitá di Roma.
#design #technology #integrated design


architectural design
Building technology
product design innovation
3D/2D digital models

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma