Spartaco Paris


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Cucina. Kitchen. 2015 DOMUS 2015
Bagno_Bathroom_2015 DOMUS 2015
Sistemi di chiusura. Systems of enclosure DOMUS 2015
Mobili. Furnitures. 2015 DOMUS 2015
Ufffcio. Office. DOMUS 2015
Facciate_Facades DOMUS 2015
Architettura vs design. Tra iconismo e produzione DIID. DISEGNO INDUSTRIALE INDUSTRIAL DESIGN 2015
Università, architettura e città storica. University, architecture and historic city DOMUS 2015
Green Materials DOMUS 2015
La riqualificazione architettonica e ambientale di un quartiere moderno di edilizia residenziale pubblica a Roma. Un caso studio a Roma Architectural and environmental retrofit of public social housing: opportunity for contemporary city. A case history in Rome TECHNE 2015
L'elemento verde e l'abitazione DOMUS 2015
Illuminazione e domotica. Lighting and home automation. DOMUS 2015
La tecnologia per il progetto, tra architettura e disegno industriale Roberto Perris. Architettura e Design. Complementi per un nuovo manuale dell'architetto 2015
Aggiornamento dei principali sistemi di chiusura verticale Roberto Perris. Architettura e Design. Complementi per un nuovo manuale dell'architetto 2015
Europe's top 100 schools of architecture and design 2016 DOMUS 2015
Naoto Fukasawa. Progettare senza pensare. Design without thinking. DOMUS 2015
Hella Jongerius. Il progetto parte sempre da un filo /Start by designing the yarn DOMUS 2015
Materials-材料 DOMUS 2015
Lighting and home automation DOMUS 2015
Architettura ed energia: “eco-machine à habiter” vs “artefatto naturale” ENERGIE Bedrohung oder Chance für die europäische Stadtlandschaft? ENERGIA Occasione o Minaccia per Il Paesaggio Urbano europeo? 2015


  • PE8_3


  • Fabrication & Manufacturing
  • Advanced manufacturing & processing
  • Sustainable technologies & development

Interessi di ricerca

Spartaco Paris (Rome,1973). Architect, graduated at the University of Rome "La Sapienza" in 1999. PhD in Environmental Technologies for Sustainable Development, he is  full professor of Technological Design at the Faculty of Architecture of Sapienza University of Rome, Department of stucfural engineering and geotechnics . Before and after his graduation, he had experiences of study and research abroad at Oxford Brookes University, at ETSA of San Sebastian and at  ETH in Zurich. From 2004 to 2012 he has taught at Polytechnic University of Bari. Lives and works in Rome.
From 2013 to 2017 he has been member of Domus Study Centre at Domus, he collaborates with several magazines in the field of design and technology.
He also has partecipated to many design competitions, with relevant results and awards.
He develops his research around the topics of design, throught projects which link sustainability and quality of habitat through architecture, design and technology. 
In 2021 he founded Best Design , startup of Sapienza  University of Rome.
Since 2022 He is deputy director of Interdepartmental Centre of Research CITERA of Sapienza Universitá di Roma.
#design #technology #integrated design


architectural design
Building technology
product design innovation
3D/2D digital models

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma