Patrizia Mancini


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
The role of speech rate for Italian-speaking cochlear implant users: insights for everyday speech perception INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AUDIOLOGY 2018
Autoimmune vertigo: an update on vestibular disorders associated with autoimmune mechanisms IMMUNOLOGIC RESEARCH 2018
Selective attentional impairment in chronic tinnitus: evidence from an event-related potentials study j of hear sciCLINICAL NEUROPHYSIOLOGY 2017
Validazione dello STARR-IT in relazione a reattivi verbali alternativi in ambito audiologico: dati normativi e risultati in pazienti adulti portatori di impianto cocleare AUDIOLOGIA & FONIATRIA 2017
Social conversational skills development in early implanted children LARYNGOSCOPE 2016
Adaptation of the STARR test for adult Italian population: a speech test for a realistic estimate in real-life listening conditions INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AUDIOLOGY 2016
Survey of cochlear implant user satisfaction with the neptune tm waterproof sound processor AUDIOLOGY RESEARCH 2016
Level of emotion comprehension in children with mid to long term cochlear implant use: how basic and more complex emotion recognition relates to language and age at implantation INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY 2016
3D curved multiplanar cone beam ct reconstruction for intracochlear position assessment of straight electrodes array. A temporal bones and patients study ACTA OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGICA ITALICA 2016
Attentional impairment in chronic tinnitus: evidence from a P300 study NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL TRENDS 2016
Chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency in patients with Ménière's disease EUROPEAN ARCHIVES OF OTO-RHINO-LARYNGOLOGY 2015
Low-frequency pitch perception in children with cochlear implants in comparison to normal hearing peers EUROPEAN ARCHIVES OF OTO-RHINO-LARYNGOLOGY 2015
Adequate formal language performance in unilateral cochlear implanted children: is it indicative of complete recovery in all linguistic domains? insights from referential communication INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY 2015
Does the addition of a second daily session of hyperbaric oxygen therapy to intratympanic steroid influence the outcomes of sudden hearing loss? [L’aggiunta di una seconda sessione giornaliera di camera iperbarica al trattamento steroideo intratimpanico influenza i risultati terapeutici nella sordità improvvisa?] ACTA OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGICA ITALICA 2015
Binaural squelch and head shadow effects in children with unilateral cochlear implants and contralateral hearing aids ACTA OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGICA ITALICA 2015

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