Sabine Pirchio


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Mindfulness, pro-environmental behavior, and belief in climate change. The mediating role of social dominance ENVIRONMENT AND BEHAVIOR 2018
A chip off the old block: parents' subtle ethnic prejudice predicts children's implicit prejudice FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY 2018
Social-cultural processes and urbanaffordances for healthy and sustainable food consumption FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY 2018
Teachers and parents involvement for a good school experience of native and immigrant children JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL, CULTURAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL STUDIES 2017
A different way to stay in touch with ‘urban nature’: perception of the restorative qualities of botanical gardens predicts self-reported physical and psychological benefits and visitors' subjective wellbeing FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY 2017
Valuation theory: an environmental, developmental and evolutionary psychological approach JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL, CULTURAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL STUDIES 2017
L’interculturalismo a scuola. Le credenze di insegnanti di scuola dell’infanzia e primaria PSICOLOGIA DELL'EDUCAZIONE 2016
Children integration through language learning in the SOFT project in different countries INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY 2016
The relation between mindfulness and green lifestyles INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY 2016
Promoting positive experience in interpersonal close relations: a practical application of the self-expansion model to the Italian context INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY 2016
The onset of story comprehension and production in young Italian children learning English as a second language INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY 2016
Contact with nature in educational settings might help cognitive functioning and promote positive social behaviour / El contacto con la naturaleza en los contextos educativos podría mejorar el funcionamiento cognitivo y fomentar el comportamiento social positivo PSYECOLOGY 2015

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