Salvatore Martino


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Calitri 1980 Frane d'Italia 2022
Scilla 1783 Frane d'Italia 2022
Ambient noise measurements to constrain the geological structure of the Güevéjar landslide (S Spain) APPLIED SCIENCES 2021
Environmental forcings and micro‑seismic monitoring in a rock wall prone to fall during the 2018 Buran winter storm NATURAL HAZARDS 2021
Integrated geophysical and geotechnical monitoring for multiscale rock mass damaging investigation at the Acuto Field-Lab (Italy) EGU General Assembly 2021 2021
3D Thermal Monitoring of Jointed Rock Masses through Infrared Thermography and Photogrammetry REMOTE SENSING 2021
Engineering-geological features supporting a seismic-driven multi-hazard scenario in the Lake Campotosto area (L’Aquila, Italy) GEOSCIENCES 2021
Rock mass damaging investigation through the analysis of microseismic monitoring data collected on rock masses EGU General Assembly 2021 2021
Quantitative investigation of a Mass Rock Creep deforming slope through A-Din SAR and geomorphometry Understanding and reducing landslide disaster risk 2021
Microseismic monitoring to assess rock mass damaging through a novel damping ratio-based approach INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROCK MECHANICS AND MINING SCIENCES 2021
Numerical modelling of geothermal heat flux and ice velocity influencing the thermal conditions of the Priestley Glacier trough (northern Victoria Land, Antarctica) GEOMORPHOLOGY 2021
Using unmanned aerial vehicle photogrammetry for digital geological surveys. Case study of Selmun promontory, northern of Malta ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES 2021
Stability assessment and geomorphological evolution of sea natural arches by geophysical measurement. The case study of Wied Il-Mielah Window (Gozo, Malta) SUSTAINABILITY 2021
Thermal monitoring to infer possible interactions between shallow hydrothermal system and slope-scale gravitational deformation of Mt Epomeo (Ischia Island, Italy) Volcanic Island: from Hazard Assessment to Risk Mitigation 2021
Profiling of the recent deposits of Nafplio coastal plain (Greece) from engineering geological modelling and geophysical surveys Proceedings of 3rd European Regional Conference of the International Association for Engineering Geology & the Environment 2021
Bivariate landslide susceptibility analysis in the Lorestan Arc (Zagros Mountains, Iran) ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT 2021
Earthquake-Triggered Landslides and Slope-Seismic Waves Interaction Inferring Induced Displacements ICL Contribution to Landslide Disaster Risk Reduction, 2021
Investigation of cliff instability at Għajn Ħadid Tower (Selmun Promontory, Malta) by integrated passive seismic techniques JOURNAL OF SEISMOLOGY 2020
Relevance of rock slope deformations in local seismic response and microzonation. Insights from the Accumoli case-study (central Apennines, Italy) ENGINEERING GEOLOGY 2020
Landslides triggered after the 16 August 2018 Mw 5.1 Molise earthquake (Italy) by a combination of intense rainfalls and seismic shaking LANDSLIDES 2020


  • SH7_5
  • PE10_7
  • PE10_13
  • PE10_21


  • Big data & computing

Interessi di ricerca

Natural hazards, Slope stability, Earthquake-induced ground effects, Local seismic response, Rock mass and earth rheology, field laboratory, FDM numerical modelling of slope stability coditions


engineering geology
slope stability
local seismic response
numerical modelling
natural hazard
academic laboratories

Gruppi di ricerca

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma