Salvatore Martino


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Earthquake-induced landslide scenarios obtained through the PARSIFAL approach in the municipality of Accumoli (Italy) Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering for Protection and Development of Environment and Constructions- Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, 2019 2019
Probabilistic approach to provide scenarios of earthquake-induced slope failures (PARSIFAL) applied to the Alcoy Basin (South Spain) GEOSCIENCES 2018
Engineering geological zonation of a complex landslide system through seismic ambient noise measurements at the Selmun Promontory (Malta) GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL 2018
Composite mechanism of the Büyükçekmece (Turkey) landslide as conditioning factor for earthquake-induced mobility GEOMORPHOLOGY 2018
Fire resistance of the Mt. Epomeo Green Tuff, a widely-used building stone on Ischia Island (Italy) VOLCANICA 2018
Experimental evidences of thermo-mechanical induced effects on jointed rock masses through infrared thermography and stress-strain monitoring Eurock2018. Geomechanics and geodynamics of rock masses 2018
Seismic measurements to recognize rock mass damaging induced by recurrent vibrations Geomechanics and geodynamics of rock masses. Proceedings of the 2018 European Rock Mechanics Symposium 2018
Thermal response of jointed rock masses inferred from infrared thermographic surveying (Acuto test-site, Italy) SENSORS 2018
Nanoseismic monitoring for detection of rockfalls. Experiments in quarry areas ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT 2018
The contribution of terrestrial laser scanning to the analysis of cliff slope stability in Sugano (Central Italy) REMOTE SENSING 2018
Upgrade of the CEDIT database of earthquake-induced ground effects in Italy ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT 2018
Field trip to the Ischia resurgent caldera, a journey across an active volcano in the Gulf of Naples GEOLOGICAL FIELD TRIPS 2018
Unravelling the style and timing of slope-to-channel system morphoevolution in tectonically active landscapes: new insights from the Northern Apennines of Italy. Geophysical Research Abstracts 2018
The giant Seymareh Landslide (Zagros Mts., Iran): a lesson for multi-temporal hazard scenario evaluation Proceedings of the 6th AIGA National Congress (Italian Association of Applied and Environmental Geology) 27-29 June 2018 Courmayeur 2018
Signals damping analysis as a tool for investigating ongoing rock mass damaging Riassunti estesi del 37° convegno GNGTS (Gruppo Nazionale di Geofisica della Terra Solida) 2018
Morpho-structural evolution of the valley-slope systems and related implications on slope-scale gravitational processes. New results from the Mt. Genzana case history (Central Apennines, Italy) GEOMORPHOLOGY 2017
Nanoseismic monitoring of gravity-induced slope instabilities for the risk management of an aqueduct infrastructure in Central Apennines (Italy) NATURAL HAZARDS 2017
Comprehensive analysis of the local seismic response in the complex Büyükçekmece landslide area (Turkey) by engineering-geological and numerical modelling ENGINEERING GEOLOGY 2017
3D Remote survey of a rock wall hosting a multi-sensor monitoring system in a test-site (Acuto, Italy) RENDICONTI ONLINE DELLA SOCIETÀ GEOLOGICA ITALIANA 2017
The Acheron dorsum on Mars. A novel interpretation of its linear depressions and a model for its evolution EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS 2017


  • SH7_5
  • PE10_7
  • PE10_13
  • PE10_21


  • Big data & computing

Interessi di ricerca

Natural hazards, Slope stability, Earthquake-induced ground effects, Local seismic response, Rock mass and earth rheology, field laboratory, FDM numerical modelling of slope stability coditions


engineering geology
slope stability
local seismic response
numerical modelling
natural hazard
academic laboratories

Gruppi di ricerca

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma