Marco Petitta


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
The geology and hydrogeology of the Cassino plain (central Apennines, Italy). Redefining the regional groundwater balance HYDROGEOLOGY JOURNAL 2019
Monitoring composition of LNAPL. Essential tool for the estimation of free LNAPL specific volumes RENDICONTI ONLINE DELLA SOCIETÀ GEOLOGICA ITALIANA 2019
A macroscale hydrogeological numerical model of the Suio hydrothermal system (Central Italy) GEOFLUIDS 2019
Relationship between rainfall and water table in a coastal aquifer: the case study of Castelporziano presidential estate ACQUE SOTTERRANEE 2019
A double scale methodology to investigate flow in karst fractured media via numerical analysis. The Cassino plain case study (Central Apennine, Italy) GEOFLUIDS 2018
Partial nitrification enhances natural attenuation of nitrogen in a septic system plume SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 2018
Water-table and discharge changes associated with the 2016–2017 seismic sequence in central Italy. Hydrogeological data and a conceptual model for fractured carbonate aquifers HYDROGEOLOGY JOURNAL 2018
The KINDRA project. Sharing and evaluating groundwater research and knowledge in Europe ACQUE SOTTERRANEE 2018
Reactive and mixing processes governing ammonium and nitrate coexistence in a polluted coastal aquifer GEOSCIENCES 2018
Free LNAPL volume estimation by pancake model and vertical equilibrium model. Comparison of results, limitations, and critical points GEOFLUIDS 2018
Diurnal and semidiurnal cyclicity of Radon (222Rn) in groundwater, Giardino Spring, Central Apennines, Italy WATER 2018
A hydrogeological conceptual model of the Suio hydrothermal area (central Italy) HYDROGEOLOGY JOURNAL 2017
Nitrogen and sulphur cycling in the saline coastal aquifer of Ferrara, Italy. A multi-isotope approach APPLIED GEOCHEMISTRY 2017
Hydrogeochemical changes before and during the 2016 Amatrice-Norcia seismic sequence (central Italy) SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2017
Groundwater mixing in the discharge area of San Vittorino Plain (Central Italy). Geochemical characterization and implication for drinking uses ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES 2017
Groundwater changes in the Nera river valley due to the August-October 2016 seismic sequence in central Italy Flowpath 2017 Proceedings 2017
Monitoring of composition of LNAPL: essential tool for the estimation of free LNAPL specific volumes Flowpath 2017 Proceedings 2017
Aquifers. The natural response to the water supply emergency ACQUE SOTTERRANEE 2017
Evaluation of the sources of nitrogen compounds and their influence on the biological communities in the hyporheic zone of the Sagittario River, Italy. An isotopic and biological approach ITALIAN JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES 2017
Integrated approach for identifying the factors controlling groundwater quality of a tropical coastal zone in Kerala, India ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES 2017


  • PE10_17


  • Sustainable technologies & development

Interessi di ricerca

My interests are about integrated water management, conjunctive use of surface and groundwater, interaction between stream and groundwater, human influences on groundwater quantity and quality, strategic groundwater resources, vulnerability of groundwater to pollution from agricultural and anthropic sources, remediation of polluted sites, isotope techniques for groundwater studies, monitoring network in coastal and protected areas, influence of human activities and natural changes on hydrogeological setting of fractured and karstified aquifers, exploitation and management of thermal and mineralized groundwater, and more recently, on relationships between hydrogeology and seismicity, with application to the Central Apennines


earthquake hydrogeology
hydrogeological water budget

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma