Paola Russo


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Investigation on the fire hazards of Li-Ion cells Electrimacs 2019. Selected papers. Volume 1 2020
Heat capacity and thermodynamic functions of di-,tri- and tetramethylammonium lead iodide perovskites from 289 to 473 K THERMOCHIMICA ACTA 2020
Novel fast identification and determination of free polyphenols in untreated craft beers by HPLC-PDA-ESI-MS/MS in SIR mode JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY 2020
Assessment of the damage from hydrogen pipeline explosions on people and buildings ENERGIES 2020
Spatial and radiative characteristics of large scale hydrogen jet-fires CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS 2020
The effect of abrasive pretreatment on the drying kinetics and phenolic compounds in goji berries (Lycium barbarum L.) JOURNAL OF FOOD PROCESSING AND PRESERVATION 2020
Hydrogen refueling stations. Prevention and scenario management. large scale experimental investigation of hydrogen jet-fires CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS 2020
Li-ion batteries. Characterization of the thermal runaway reactions using a DSC Proceedings of the 13th international symposium on hazards, prevention and mitigation of industrial explosions (ISHPMIE 2020) 2020
A continuous study on qualitative assessment of rehydrated 'Annurca' apple. Influence of process conditions and drying pre-treatment ITALIAN JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE 2020
Failure of reinforced concrete and tuff stone masonry buildings as consequence of hydrogen pipeline explosions INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY 2019
Optimization of hot air drying temperature combined with pre-treatment to improve physico-chemical and nutritional quality of ‘Annurca’ apple FOOD AND BIOPRODUCTS PROCESSING 2019
Fire behaviour of NMC Li-ion battery cells Proceedings of the ninth international seminar on fire and explosion hazards 21-26 April 2019, Saint Petersburg, Russia 2019
Development of a process for n-butanol recovery from ABE wastewater streams by membrane technology CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS 2019
Drying kinetics and physico-chemical quality of mango slices CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS 2019
Combined membrane process for dealcoholization of wines. Osmotic distillation and reverse osmosis CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS 2019
Quality and volatile compounds in red wine at different degrees of dealcoholization by membrane process EUROPEAN FOOD RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY 2019
Impact of dealcoholization on quality properties in white wine at various alcohol content levels JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2019
CFD simulation of multiple dust explosion occurred in a flour mill CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS 2019
Mass spectrometry for free polyphenols in untreated samples of beer Proceedings of the 6th ms food day 2019
Impact of osmotic distillation on the sensory properties and quality of low alcohol beer JOURNAL OF FOOD QUALITY 2018

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