Anna Maria Siani


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Investigation into the use of spectrophotocolorimetry to quantify colour changes of passive samplers for the detection of acetic acid: an application to cellulose triacetate films affected by Vinegar Syndrome XVIII Color Conference (CdC 2023) 2023
Exploring the capability of acoustic emission technique in early detecting mode I and mixed mode fractures FORCES IN MECHANICS 2023
A quantitative comparison on the use of thermal insulation materials in three European countries through the TEnSE approach. Challenges and opportunities BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT 2023
A dataset of criteria on the use of thermal insulation solutions in building facades located in Norway, Portugal and Italy DATA IN BRIEF 2023
Effect of heatwaves on urban sea breeze, heat island intensity, and outdoor thermo-hygrometric comfort in Rome (Italy) URBAN CLIMATE 2023
Cluster analysis to identify microclimate patterns in a multi-room film archive IMEKO TC-4 International Conference on Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage (MetroArchaeo 2023). Proceedings 2023
Green Paper On Multi-Material Preventive Conservation Guidelines 2023
Environmental tendency from the retrofit to current time: a case study in Rome, Italy IMEKO TC4 International conference on metrology for archaeology and cultural heritage 2023
Effect of heatwaves on urban sea breeze, heat island intensity, and outdoor thermo-hygrometric comfort in Rome (Italy) URBAN CLIMATE 2023
Indoor climate characterisation of the quarantine room of NTNU university library IMEKO TC4 International conference on metrology for archaeology and cultural heritage 2023
Novel Model Based on Artificial Neural Networks to Predict Short-Term Temperature Evolution in Museum Environment SENSORS 2022
Influencing Factors in Acoustic Emission Detection: A Literature Review Focusing on Grain Angle and High/Low Tree Ring Density of Scots Pine APPLIED SCIENCES 2022
The Boundary Layer Air Quality-Analysis Using Network of Instruments (BAQUNIN) Supersite for Atmospheric Research and Satellite Validation over Rome Area BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY 2022
Aerosol optical characteristics in the urban area of Rome, Italy, and their impact on the UV index ATMOSPHERIC MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES 2022
Analysis of two-decade meteorological and air quality trends in Rome (Italy) THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY 2022
Conservation risks for paper collections induced by the microclimate in the repository of the Alessandrina Library in Rome (Italy) HERITAGE SCIENCE 2022
A Statistical Approach for A-Posteriori Deployment of Microclimate Sensors in Museums: A Case Study SENSORS 2022
Discrimination between softwood and hardwood based on hemicellulose content obtained with portable nuclear magnetic resonance CELLULOSE 2022
Nitrogen compounds in buildings housing collections: a preliminary review II International Conference on Urban Risks (ICUR 2022) 2022
Strategies for the deployment of microclimate sensors in spaces housing collections HERITAGE SCIENCE 2022


  • PE10_2
  • PE10_16
  • SH5_8

Interessi di ricerca

La attività di ricerca   orientata principalmente sulle seguenti linee:

-Spettrofotometria e radiometria solare da terra per lo studio dell’ozono colonnare e di altri costituenti atmosferici in funzione della dinamica dell'atmosfera e delle conseguenti ripercussioni sull'irradianza UV solare;

-Meteorologia applicata alla conservazione dei beni culturali  e valutazione del rischio ambientale;

-Dosimetria a polisolfone per indagare l'interazione tra la radiazione solare ultravioletta e gli effetti sugli esseri umani



solar UV radiation
tutela e conservazione
microclimatic control

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma