Anna Maria Siani


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Monitoring of solar spectral ultraviolet irradiance in Aosta, Italy EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCE DATA 2020
Review on Occupational Personal Solar UV Exposure Measurements ATMOSPHERE 2020
Validation of the TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) surface UV radiation product ATMOSPHERIC MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES 2020
Investigation on the use of passive microclimate frames in view of the climate change scenario CLIMATE 2019
A method based on environmental monitoring and building dynamic simulation to assess indoor climate control strategies in the preventive conservation within historical buildings SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FOR THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT 2019
Aerosol optical characteristics in the urban area of Rome, Italy, and their impact on the UV index ATMOSPHERIC MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES. PAPERS IN OPEN DISCUSSION. 2019
Optimising conservation of artworks, energy performance and thermal comfort combining hygrothermal dynamic simulation and on-site measurements in historic buildings Proceedings of Building Simulation 2019: 16th Conference of IBPSA 2019
Water vapor and aerosol lidar measurements within an atmospheric instrumental super site to study the aerosols and the tropospheric trace gases in Rome EPJ WEB OF CONFERENCES 2018
Cluster analysis of microclimate data to optimize the number of sensors for the assessment of indoor environment within museums ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL 2018
The capability of capacitive sensors in the monitoring relative humidity in hypogeum environments IOP CONFERENCE SERIES: MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 2018
Performance assessment of a heat and moisture dynamic simulation model in IDA ICE by the comparison with WUFI Plus IOP CONFERENCE SERIES: MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 2018
Examination on total ozone column retrievals by Brewer spectrophotometry using different processing software ATMOSPHERIC MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES 2018
Why is it so hard to gain enough Vitamin D by solar exposure in the European winter? METEOROLOGISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT 2018
Review on Nonoccupational Personal Solar UV Exposure Measurements PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY 2018
Assessment of indoor climate of Mogiła Abbey in Kraków (Poland) and the application of the analogues method to predict microclimate indoor conditions ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL 2017
Detecting volcanic sulfur dioxide plumes in the Northern Hemisphere using the Brewer spectrophotometers, other networks, and satellite observations ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS 2017
Use of photovoltaic modules as static solar shadings: Retrofit of a paleontological site in Rome. Advanced Building Skins 2017
CleAir monitoring system for particulate matter. A case in the Napoleonic Museum in Rome SENSORS 2017
On-site measurements and whole-building thermal dynamic simulation of a semi-confined prefabricated building for heritage conservation Building Simulation Applications BSA 2017 2017


  • PE10_2
  • PE10_16
  • SH5_8

Interessi di ricerca

La attività di ricerca   orientata principalmente sulle seguenti linee:

-Spettrofotometria e radiometria solare da terra per lo studio dell’ozono colonnare e di altri costituenti atmosferici in funzione della dinamica dell'atmosfera e delle conseguenti ripercussioni sull'irradianza UV solare;

-Meteorologia applicata alla conservazione dei beni culturali  e valutazione del rischio ambientale;

-Dosimetria a polisolfone per indagare l'interazione tra la radiazione solare ultravioletta e gli effetti sugli esseri umani



solar UV radiation
tutela e conservazione
microclimatic control

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma