Paolo Maria Santini


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
The periodic N breather anomalous wave solution of the Davey–Stewartson equations; first appearance, recurrence, and blow up properties Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 2024
The effect of loss/gain and Hamiltonian perturbations of the Ablowitz-Ladik lattice on the recurrence of periodic anomalous waves Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 2024
Modulation instability, periodic anomalous wave recurrence, and blow up in the Ablowitz - Ladik lattices JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. A, MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL 2023
Periodic Rogue Waves and Perturbation Theory Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science 2022
Конечнозонный подход в периодической задаче Коши для $(2+1)$-мерных аномальных волн фокусирующего уравнения Дэви-Стюартсона 2 USPEKHI MATEMATICHESKIKH NAUK 2022
The linear and nonlinear instability of the Akhmediev breather NONLINEARITY 2021
Effect of a small loss or gain in the periodic nonlinear Schrödinger anomalous wave dynamics PHYSICAL REVIEW. E 2020
Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou recurrence of periodic anomalous waves in the complex Ginzburg-Landau and in the Lugiato-Lefever equations PHYSICAL REVIEW. E 2020
The effect of a small loss or gain in the periodic NLS anomalous wave dynamics. I 2019
The finite-gap method and the periodic NLS Cauchy problem of anomalous waves for a finite number of unstable modes RUSSIAN MATHEMATICAL SURVEYS 2019
The exact rogue wave recurrence in the NLS periodic setting via matched asymptotic expansions, for 1 and 2 unstable modes PHYSICS LETTERS A 2018
Observation of Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou Recurrence and Its Exact Dynamics PHYSICAL REVIEW. X 2018
The finite gap method and the analytic description of the exact rogue wave recurrence in the periodic NLS Cauchy problem. 1 NONLINEARITY 2018
Phase Resonances of the NLS Rogue Wave Recurrence in the Quasisymmetric Case THEORETICAL AND MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 2018
The periodic Cauchy problem for PT-symmetric NLS, I: the first appearance of rogue waves, regular behavior or blow up at finite times JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. A, MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL 2018
Numerical instability of the Akhmediev breather and a finite gap model of it Recent developments in Integrable Systems and related topics of Mathematical Physics 2018
On the occurrence of gauge-dependent secularities in nonlinear gravitational waves CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY 2017
On the dispersionless Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation with arbitrary nonlinearity and dimensionality: exact solutions, longtime asymptotics of the Cauchy problem, wave breaking and shocks JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. A, MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL 2016
Nonlocality and the Inverse Scattering Transform for the Pavlov Equation STUDIES IN APPLIED MATHEMATICS 2016
An integral geometry lemma and its applications: the nonlocality of the Pavlov equation and a tomographic problem with opaque parabolic objects THEORETICAL AND MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 2016

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