Fabrizio D'Ascenzo


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
The antecedents of e-learning adoption within Italian corporate universities: A comparative case study ICST TRANSACTIONS ON E-EDUCATION AND E-LEARNING 2016
Profound knowledge as the core concept for Japanese Gemba Kaizen and Kanban philosophy Prospettive tecnologiche nell'ambito dell'area Euroasiatica: nuovi mercati e centri di crescita economica 2016
Introduction Blurring the Boundaries Through Digital Innovation 2016
Evaluation of the e-Invoicing Impacts through a set of Key Performance Indicators MANAGEMENT CONTROL 2015
Uso delle tecniche di biorisanamento per la depurazione delle acque: un caso di studio Le giornate di Corvara 2015
Bioenergia da rifiuti organici: il caso studio di una azienda agro-zootecnica INDUSTRIE ALIMENTARI 2015
The development and innovation of competence in business Tools for the development and recognition of informal learning in companies 2015
Campus Mentis Storybook Storybook 2015
Inter-University Cooperation. Best Practices from Cooperation Between the Sapienza University of Rome, Canadian and American Universities 2015
Developing a project with high level expectations Inter-University Cooperation. Best Practices from Cooperation Between the Sapienza University of Rome, Canadian and American Universities 2015
The employment of sustainable technologies for waste biomass conversion process: a case study Modern calls and realities of economic development in Russia 2015
The education in quality and Innovation economy as a competitive advantage for high technology companies cluster Social behaviour of young people in the Internet: new tendencies in the globalization era 2015
The evaluation of University system in Italy National concepts of quality: enhancing quality to ensure the competitive economy 2015
L’umanesimo nell’economia globalizzata. Visione, strumenti, responsabilità. 2015
I rapporti di collaborazione pubblico privato nell’ottica della concreta attenzione ai giovani. KPMG e Campus Mentis come esempio di collegamento tra azienda ed università. L’umanesimo nell’economia globalizzata. Visione, strumenti, responsabilità. 2015
Migliorare la impiegabilità dei giovani laureati. L`esperienza di Campus Mentis 2015
Quality and Renewal of Public Administration: The TQM approach and the CAF European model PRAVO I UPRAVLENIE. XXI VEK 2015
Performance management and competitive strategies of international companies 2015
Informalea Job. Tools for the valorisation and for the recognition of the informal learning in companies Tools for the valorisation and for the recognition of the informal learning companies 2015

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