Luca Salvati


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
A New Approach to Land-Use Structure: Patch Perimeter Metrics as a Spatial Analysis Tool SUSTAINABILITY 2018
The 2007 crisis and Greek wildfires: a multivariate analysis of suppression times ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT 2018
Urban growth and demographic dynamics in southern Europe: Toward a new statistical approach to regional science SUSTAINABILITY 2018
La rappresentazione dei sistemi complessi. Statistiche, indicatori, metodologie 2018
Urban growth, economic structures and demographic dynamics: exploring the spatial mismatch between planned and actual land-use in a Mediterranean city INTERNATIONAL PLANNING STUDIES 2018
Swimming pools: A landmark of sprawl. Mediterranean urbanity, landscape architecture and social issues 2018
Soil Matters? A Multivariate Analysis of Socioeconomic Constraints to Urban Expansion in Mediterranean Europe ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS 2018
Sustainable land-use, wildfires, and evolving local contexts in a Mediterranean Country, 2000-2015 SUSTAINABILITY 2018
Population matters: Identifying metropolitan sub-centers from diachronic density-distance curves, 1960-2010 SUSTAINABILITY 2018
Worrying about 'vertical landscapes'. Terraced olive groves and ecosystem services in marginal land in central Italy SUSTAINABILITY 2018
Are wildfires knocking on the built-up areas door? FORESTS 2018
Governance changes in peri-urban farmland protection following decentralisation. A comparison between Montpellier (France) and Rome (Italy) LAND USE POLICY 2018
Class diversification, economic growth and urban sprawl. Evidences from a pre-crisis European city QUALITY & QUANTITY 2018
Agro-forest management and soil degradation in Mediterranean environments. Towards a strategy for sustainable land use in vineyard and Olive Cropland SUSTAINABILITY 2018
Population Structure and Economic Cycles in Greece. A Multidimensional Regional Analysis (1988-2016) JOURNAL OF URBAN AND REGIONAL ANALYSIS 2018
Rooting the future; On-farm trees' contribution to household energy security and asset creation as a resilient development pathway-evidence from a 20-year panel in rural Ethiopia SUSTAINABILITY 2018
Sustainable land management, adaptive silviculture, and new forest challenges. Evidence from a latitudinal gradient in Italy SUSTAINABILITY 2018
Rural districts between urbanization and land abandonment. Undermining long-term changes in mediterranean landscapes SUSTAINABILITY 2018
The 'niche' city. A multifactor spatial approach to identify local-scale dimensions of urban complexity ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS 2018
Tertiarization and land use change: The case of Italy ECONOMIC MODELLING 2018

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