Luca Salvati


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Exploring tourism activity in countries and regions of Europe in the recent period of crisis CURRENT POLITICS AND ECONOMICS OF EUROPE 2017
Back to Von Thunen: a Southern European perspective on mono-centric urban growth, economic structure and non-urban land decline INTERNATIONAL PLANNING STUDIES 2017
Soil organic carbon sequestration and tillage systems in the Mediterranean basin: a data mining approach NUTRIENT CYCLING IN AGROECOSYSTEMS 2017
Validation of the Soil Biological Fertility Index (BFI) using a multidimensional statistical approach: a Country-scale Exercise CATENA 2017
A Spatial Zoning Approach to Calibrate and Validate Urban Growth Models INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SCIENCE 2017
Nenačrtno širjenje mestnih območij in megadogodki: gospodarska rast in nedavno širjenje mesta, ki izgublja svojo konkurenčnost (Atene) URBANI IZZIV 2017
In-between stability and subtle changes: urban growth, population structure, and the city life cycle in Rome POPULATION SPACE AND PLACE 2016
The way towards land consumption: Soil sealing and polycentric development in Barcelona URBAN STUDIES 2016
Unraveling the ‘stable’ landscape: a multi-factor analysis of unchanged agricultural and forest land (1987–2007) in a rapidly-expanding urban region URBAN ECOSYSTEMS 2016
Towards (spatially) unbalanced development? A joint assessment of regional disparities in socioeconomic and territorial variables in Italy LAND USE POLICY 2016
Cities as selective land predators? A lesson on urban growth, deregulated planning and sprawl containment SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 2016
Scattered or polycentric? Untangling urban growth in three southern European metropolitan regions through exploratory spatial data analysis THE ANNALS OF REGIONAL SCIENCE 2016
Patterns of Sprawl: The Socioeconomic and Territorial Profile of Dispersed Urban Areas in Italy REGIONAL STUDIES 2016
Greek recession at stake: the short-term evolution of territorial disparities in declared income Resilient Districts. Post-crisis Local Development and Sustainable Society 2016
Modeling the ecological niche of long-term land use changes. The role of biophysical factors ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS 2016
New wine in old bottles: The (changing) socioeconomic attributes of sprawl during building boom and stagnation ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS 2016
Assessing the effectiveness of sustainable land management policies for combating desertification: A data mining approach JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 2016
Lost in convergence, found in vulnerability: A spatially-dynamic model for desertification risk assessment in Mediterranean agro-forest districts SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 2016
The Mediterranean landscape in transition: revisiting the ecology and socio economics of land degradation. Resilient Districts 2016
Dall'altro lato della fangia: prospettive e opportunità dell'agricoltura periurbana ARCHIVIO DI STUDI URBANI E REGIONALI 2016

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