Luca Salvati


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Urban encroachment, Land-use and demographic change: Empirical evidence from Italy INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS & STATISTICS 2018
Pictures from the Other Side of the Fringe. Urban Growth and Peri-urban Agriculture in a Post-industrial City (Toulouse, France) JOURNAL OF RURAL STUDIES 2018
Ranking the importance of Wildfires’ human drivers through a multi-model regression approach ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT REVIEW 2018
Assessing the economic marginality of agricultural lands in Italy to support land use planning LAND USE POLICY 2018
Revisiting a hegemonic honcept: long-term ‘Mediterranean urbanization’ in between city re-polarization and metropolitan decline APPLIED SPATIAL ANALYSIS AND POLICY 2017
In-between regional disparities and spatial heterogeneity: a multivariate analysis of territorial divides in Italy JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT 2017
Forest and the city: A multivariate analysis of peri-urban forest land cover patterns in 283 European metropolitan areas ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS 2017
A comprehensive insight into the geography of forest cover in Italy: Exploring the importance of socioeconomic local contexts FOREST POLICY AND ECONOMICS 2017
Recession, resilience, local labour markets: wealthier is better? LETTERS IN SPATIAL AND RESOURCE SCIENCES 2017
Latent sprawl patterns and the spatial distribution of businesses in a southern European city CITIES 2017
Land quality, sustainable development and environmental degradation in agricultural districts: A computational approach based on entropy indexes ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT REVIEW 2017
An empirical assessment of human development through remote sensing: Evidences from Italy ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS 2017
Towards sustainable growth? A multi-criteria assessment of (changing) urban forms ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS 2017
Work in (slow) progress: Latent suburbanization, economic restructuring, and urban-rural convergence in a southeastern European city JOURNAL OF URBAN AFFAIRS 2017
Complexity in action: Untangling latent relationships between land quality, economic structures and socio-spatial patterns in Italy PLOS ONE 2017
Neither urban nor rural: landscape composition and land-use changes in the Mediterranean fringe 2017
Emerging urban centrality: An entropy-based indicator of polycentric development and economic growth LAND USE POLICY 2017
Prefiguring a future city: urban growth, spatial planning and the economic local context in Catalonia EUROPEAN PLANNING STUDIES 2017
Urban growth, population, and recession: Unveiling multiple spatial patterns of demographic indicators in a Mediterranean City POPULATION SPACE & PLACE 2017
‘Interrupted’ landscapes: post-earthquake reconstruction in between urban renewal and social identity of local communities SUSTAINABILITY 2017

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