Marcello Barbanera


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
La ricerca archeologica in Calabria dall'Unità d'Italia agli inizi del '900 L'archeologia come strumento di coscienza civica. Paolo Orsi e Armando Lucifero pionieri della ricerca archeologica in Calabria 2015


  • SH5_6
  • SH5_7
  • SH5_8
  • SH6
  • SH6_2

Interessi di ricerca

I have pursued scholarship avenues that might lead out of an intellectual culture of archaeology in Italy to broader dialog beyond the edges of the traditional discipline of classical archeology.  This I have accomplished with grant support from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in Berlin (1998-1999 and 2005) and the Italian Academy at Columbia University in New York (2000).  Visiting Professor at the  Ecole des Hautes Etudes in Paris (1997) and at the Institut d’Histoire de l’Art (2006); «Kress Lecturer» for the per l’Archaeological Institute of America (2008); Fellow of the Morphomata Kolleg in Cologne (2012-13).

Instead of a simple history of ancient art, I pursue a history of ancient culture.  This cultural history of the ancient world encompasses the history of art as one of the many possible instruments for the decodification and the comprehension of ancient society.  Alongside this, the use of ancient sources, the study of material culture, anthropological research, iconography, and the reception of ancient heritage by the modern world through the development of archeological sciences as a discipline are all intertwined in my research. 



classical archaeology
Greek culture
archaeological heritage
Museology and Museography
Ancient History
Classical Art

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