Claudio Babiloni


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Stacked autoencoders as new models for an accurate Alzheimer's disease classification support using resting-state EEG and MRI measurements CLINICAL NEUROPHYSIOLOGY 2021
MiRNA-15b and miRNA-125b are associated with regional Aβ-PET and FDG-PET uptake in cognitively normal individuals with subjective memory complaints TRANSLATIONAL PSYCHIATRY 2021
EEG measures for clinical research in major vascular cognitive impairment: recommendations by an expert panel NEUROBIOLOGY OF AGING 2021
Microglia modulates hippocampal synaptic transmission and sleep duration along the light/dark cycle GLIA 2021
Resting state alpha electroencephalographic rhythms are differently related to aging in cognitively unimpaired seniors and patients with alzheimer's disease and amnesic mild cognitive impairment JOURNAL OF ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE 2021
Dementia with Lewy bodies research consortia: A global perspective from the ISTAART Lewy Body Dementias Professional Interest Area working group ALZHEIMER'S & DEMENTIA: DIAGNOSIS, ASSESSMENT & DISEASE MONITORING 2021
Are there consistent abnormalities in event-related EEG oscillations in patients with Alzheimer’s disease compared to other diseases belonging to dementia? PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY 2021
Functional living skills: A non‐immersive virtual reality training for individuals with major neurocognitive disorders SENSORS 2021
Recommendations for Preclinical Testing of Treatments Against Alzheimer's Disease-Related Epileptiform Spikes in Transgenic Rodent Models JOURNAL OF ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE 2021
Classification of Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia with Lewy Bodies using Resting EEG Selected Features at Sensor and Source Levels: A Proof-of-Concept Study CURRENT ALZHEIMER RESEARCH 2021
Aptamarker prediction of brain amyloid-β status in cognitively normal individuals at risk for Alzheimer's disease PLOS ONE 2021
CSF tau proteins correlate with an atypical clinical presentation in dementia with Lewy bodies JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY, NEUROSURGERY AND PSYCHIATRY 2020
What electrophysiology tells us about Alzheimer's disease: a window into the synchronization and connectivity of brain neurons NEUROBIOLOGY OF AGING 2020
Abnormal cortical neural synchronization mechanisms in quiet wakefulness are related to motor deficits, cognitive symptoms, and visual hallucinations in Parkinson's disease patients: an electroencephalographic study NEUROBIOLOGY OF AGING 2020
Late-onset epilepsy with unknown etiology: a pilot study on neuropsychological profile, cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers, and quantitative EEG characteristics FRONTIERS IN NEUROLOGY 2020
CSF cutoffs for MCI due to AD depend on APOEε4 carrier status NEUROBIOLOGY OF AGING 2020
Resting-state posterior alpha rhythms are abnormal in subjective memory complaint seniors with preclinical Alzheimer's neuropathology and high education level: the INSIGHT-preAD study NEUROBIOLOGY OF AGING 2020
Early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease: the role of biomarkers including advanced EEG signal analysis. Report from the IFCN-sponsored panel of experts CLINICAL NEUROPHYSIOLOGY 2020
Plasma tau correlates with basal forebrain atrophy rates in people at risk for Alzheimer diseas NEUROLOGY 2020
Future avenues for Alzheimer's disease detection and therapy: Liquid biopsy, intracellular signaling modulation, systems pharmacology drug discovery NEUROPHARMACOLOGY 2020

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