Claudio Babiloni


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Functional and effective brain connectivity for discrimination between Alzheimer's patients and healthy individuals: A study on resting state EEG rhythms CLINICAL NEUROPHYSIOLOGY 2017
Abnormalities of cortical neural synchronization mechanisms in patients with dementia due to Alzheimer's and Lewy body diseases: an EEG study NEUROBIOLOGY OF AGING 2017
Abnormalities of Cortical Neural Synchronization Mechanisms in Subjects with Mild Cognitive Impairment due to Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Diseases: An EEG Study JOURNAL OF ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE 2017
Early changes in alpha band power and DMN BOLD activity in Alzheimer's disease: a simultaneous resting state EEG-fMRI study FRONTIERS IN AGING NEUROSCIENCE 2017
Brain networks are independently modulated by donepezil, sleep, and sleep deprivation BRAIN TOPOGRAPHY 2017
Ongoing electroencephalographic activity associated with cortical arousal in trangenic pdapp mice CURRENT ALZHEIMER RESEARCH 2017
Frontal delta event-related oscillations relate to frontal volume in mild cognitive impairment and healthy controls INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY 2016
Brain neural synchronization and functional coupling in Alzheimer's disease as revealed by resting state EEG rhythms INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY 2016
Resting state Rolandic mu rhythms are related to activity of sympathetic component of autonomic nervous system in healthy humans INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY 2016
Abnormal cortical sources of resting state electroencephalographic rhythms in single treatment-naïve HIV individuals: a statistical z-score index CLINICAL NEUROPHYSIOLOGY 2016
Antiretroviral therapy affects the z-score index of deviant cortical EEG rhythms in naïve HIV individuals NEUROIMAGE. CLINICAL 2016
Cortical sources of resting state electroencephalographic rhythms differ in relapsing-remitting and secondary progressive multiple sclerosis CLINICAL NEUROPHYSIOLOGY 2016
Brain and cognitive functions in two groups of naïve HIV patients selected for a different plan of antiretroviral therapy. A qEEG study CLINICAL NEUROPHYSIOLOGY 2016
Classification of single normal and Alzheimer's disease individuals from cortical sources of resting state EEG rhythms FRONTIERS IN NEUROSCIENCE 2016
Measuring cortical connectivity in Alzheimer's disease as a brain neural network pathology: Toward clinical applications JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL SOCIETY 2016
Clinical and biomarker profiling of prodromal Alzheimer's disease in workpackage 5 of the Innovative Medicines Initiative PharmaCog project: A 'European ADNI study' JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE 2016
Cortical neural synchronization underlies primary visual consciousness of qualia: evidence from event-related potentials FRONTIERS IN HUMAN NEUROSCIENCE 2016
Information and communication technology solutions for outdoor navigation in dementia ALZHEIMER'S & DEMENTIA 2016
Cortical sources of resting state EEG rhythms are related to brain hypometabolism in subjects with Alzheimer's disease: an EEG-PET study NEUROBIOLOGY OF AGING 2016
Alpha, beta and gamma electrocorticographic rhythms in somatosensory, motor, premotor and prefrontal cortical areas differ in movement execution and observation in humans CLINICAL NEUROPHYSIOLOGY 2016

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