Giuseppe Loprencipe


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Analysis of enterrelation between economic, road, transport and logistic indicators IZVESTIA NACIONALʹNOJ AKADEMII RESPUBLIKI KAZAHSTAN. SERIA GEOLOGII I TEHNICESKIH NAUK 2020
Theoretical analysis of stone pavers in pedestrian areas TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PROCEDIA 2020
Evaluation of the Performance of a Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) Considering Aged and Unaged Specimens COATINGS 2020
Comparison of methods for evaluating airport pavement roughness INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PAVEMENT ENGINEERING 2019
Analysis of pavement condition survey data for effective implementation of a network level pavement management program for Kazakhstan SUSTAINABILITY 2019
Technical and Economic Criteria to Select Pavement Surfaces of Port Handling Plants COATINGS 2019
Analytical and Numerical Approaches for Design of Stone Pavers in Urban Shared Areas IOP CONFERENCE SERIES: MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 2019
Development of network-level pavement deterioration curves using the linear empirical Bayes approach INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PAVEMENT ENGINEERING 2019
Raised pedestrian crossings: Analysis of their characteristics on a road network and geometric sizing proposal APPLIED SCIENCES 2019
Effects of vehicular speed on the assessment of pavement road roughness APPLIED SCIENCES 2019
Design of the first Italian roundabout with jointed plain concrete pavement APPLIED SCIENCES 2018
The public safety zones around small and medium airports AEROSPACE 2018
Analysis of natural stone block pavements in urban shared areas CASE STUDIES IN CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS 2018
Acceleration measurements inside vehicles: Passengers’ comfort mapping on railways MEASUREMENT 2018
Railway freight transport and logistics: Methods for relief, algorithms for verification and proposals for the adjustment of tunnel inner surfaces SUSTAINABILITY 2018
Prioritization methodology for roadside and guardrail improvement: Quantitative calculation of safety level and optimization of resources allocation JOURNAL OF TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING 2018
Climate change and transport infrastructures: State of the art SUSTAINABILITY 2018
Road safety analysis of urban roads. Case study of an Italian municipality SAFETY 2018
Use of generated artificial road profiles in road roughness evaluation JOURNAL OF MODERN TRANSPORTATION 2017
Sustainable pavement management system in urban areas considering the vehicle operating costs SUSTAINABILITY 2017

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma